can I apply the powdered Fenugreek on my breast and massageMassage it then wash away with water, how fast and safe is that method plus I’m 17 I hope it won’t have any sides effect. As a rule of thumb, you need to eat foods that are rich in calories and also rich in nutrients, foods that are going to help your body stack proteins into your muscles, and store energy efficiently, gaining weight. Repeat this after every meal of the day i.e after Breakfast, lunch and dinner Eat a meal with more proteins and less carbohydrates I can gain 5 pounds then loose 10 pounds the same week. Have you started implementing the advice in this post? Please advice to gain weight. Fenugreek Seed Oil For Bigger Butt, Breast And Beautiful Skin. This used to be my problem in the past, I was a junk food addict, I was all the time munching on snacks, candies, and chocolate bars, I was constipated, suffering from horrible headaches all the time. Don’t get discouraged yet, fenugreek can also be used for weight gain! I am 18 years ,my height is 5’10 and i weigh 48 kg i wanna increase my weight as well as breast size much time does it take to show result. Drinking fenugreek water on an empty stomach helps in water retention and suppresses your hunger. how did you prepared fenugreek powder? It’s a must and your weight is going to start increasing soon, forget about your breast size, it’s going to increase as well if you use this recipe. another question I’ve heard fenungreek makes one to smell bad is it true pls tell me.thank you i will be glad to hear from you. After that I was almost 36-38 kgs only. If it is ground, do I put it in my mouth and then drink the water? I had been taking fenugreek seed soaked in water overnight and consume it in morning.i use to dring the water will it help me in gaining weight. Try to use at least two teaspoons a day of ground fenugreek seeds, preferably after breakfast with a large glass of water. (So that i can follow it correctly) to gain weight. can a breastfeeding mother take fenugreek for adding weight. So, always use ground raw fenugreek seeds. Thank you so much. The fiber and protein content of pumpkin seeds will vary depending on how they are prepared, but on average you can expect to get 6 g of protein and 2 g of fiber per 1 ounce serving, which is a decent amount. (12399 Views), Fenugreek Seed Oil For Bigger Butt, Breast And Beautiful Skin. If yes, how pls? If I were you, I would stop for some few months while taking fenugreek and fenugreek tea daily. I’m a 22 year old with hypothyroidism but skinny, I have a BMI of 17.4 . Thanks. Is this something that could help me? Planted fenugreek can be grown in most gardens to replace the seeds. hey! Yes, fenugreek will increase your appetite, which will make you hungry, not all the time, as most people may think, but it stimulates your appetite in a way that you eat more food. Good luck, For the fenugreek oil, you use it once or everyday?? Thanks a lot for your nice words, yes, use these capsules, they’re also effective, although I prefer you grind your own fenugreek seeds, however, for convenience sake, use them, two with each meal, a total of six capsules a day. Have Replied your email Please check and reply. 4. am I right? Just add slightly crushed fenugreek seeds/fenugreek powder to boiled water, leave to seep for about 3 - 5 minutes, strain the resulting water into a cup then add ⦠Is there anything else which helps me with fenurgeek seeds ? But after leaving those tablets i loses all that weight very fastly and my appetite is decreased again any now my digestion is also poor.please give for improving my appetite, and digestion for weight gain…thank you in advance. Surprisingly, it curbs the appetite and keeps you full for longer. The second recipe is Indian chicken curry, it’s a staple in our home, we make it every week, it does take some time to prepare, trust me, it’s worth every minute you spend on it. On bulk supplements they have the fenugreek powder. I am 40 yrs. I personally take one 2500mcg pill once a week and the last time I checked my reserves, they were optimal according to my doctor. Also another important question, why is it not good to take fenugreek if I want to get pregnant? You can try online. Yes, taking fenugreek seeds, ground, is much better than drinking its tea. Fenugreek is extremely beneficial for your body, just keep on using it and your weight is going to keep increasing. Because I want to have a baby next year. And no, using fenugreek seeds is not going to help you. What are you eating daily? The only things that eat chia seeds are, like, squirrels and birds, and theyâve got no gainz. When you click on product links on this website and buy them, in many cases I will get a commission. 3) drinking fenugreek tea can increase bra size? It depends on your diet, fenugreek doesn’t increase weight, it increases your appetite and it also works on the mood, this is what happened to me at least, so, if you have a good appetite and eat fatty food, your tummy will grow, if you have whole grains, lots of vegetables, nuts, beans and lentils, your tummy will decrease in size while your over all weight is going to increase, including love handles/hips and those sexy curves guys love so much. Filter the seeds from the water in the morning. And tried taking a spoonful and chasing it with water. You’re welcome, please if you need anything, just comment again. Sprout fenugreek seeds by soaking them in water overnight , keeping them in a jar covered with a cloth for few days until tiny green shoots appear. You need to grind the seeds and swallow them every morning. Hi sahar should I eat seeds of fenugreek weather powder I’m confused about this and I’m just using natural seeds is it ok. My answer is no, it is not okay to practice a physically challenging sport like running, it is going to exhaust your and even make you very thin. Every day, I started having four teaspoons of ground fenugreek seeds, fenugreek powder, with two cups of water. I personally use it for this purpose and I have to say that fenugreek seeds are amazing at helping my appetite and digestion as well. This is my first month taking Fenugreek and I haven’t gained a single pound. One cup hot water Two tablespoons organic honey No, that would be too difficult, and the taste will definitely drive you off, better put one teaspoon in your mouth and swallow with water, a large cup, then repeat. By fenugreek water, I mean taking clean whole fenugreek seeds and soaking them overnight in water, then, throwing away the soaked fenugreek seeds, and drinking the water. Hi Caci, yes, go ahead, it will also help you with your appetite, to gain more weight, it’s ok, just grind them as they are. This is the optimum fenugreek dosage for weight gain, I have given this recipe to hundreds of women, and they all have reported amazing results in less than 30 days. Hello, I have tried everything to gain weight, is there any particular time of taking this tea I mean before meal, after breakfast, after dinner as such please advice me on this. I have always been skinny but I’m 28 now and I just look like a 13 year old with how tiny my body is. I’m gonna try Maca, I read it helps to gain weight. The researchers concluded that while the fiber did not change the amount of calories consumed over the rest of the day, the supplement could have short-term benefits for calorie control and weight loss. Hi Just wanted to ask about How much weight did you gain in a month using fenygreek? Hi I was wondering if you can help me out with the steps of taking fenugreek. It ⦠Hi, i just started using the fenugreek tablets and I work out 3 times a week, do you think I should go on with the workout or will it affect my weight gain? I’m sorry to say this, but you are going to kill yourself prematurely! Fenugreek sprouts may be very delicious and may also be extremely nutritional; however, in terms of weight gain, they do not work very well; of course, they are much better than other herbs, in my opinion, but they can’t be compared to ground fenugreek seeds. That’s very low, so sorry to read about this, you need to start drinking fenugreek tea everyday, you should also check with your doctor because something maybe wrong with your body!! First, place the seeds in a bowl or other container. I came to know about this seed and i am really inspired on your experiences and i really want to try this so can you tell me how should i start?? hello, I’m a skinny-more like scrawny-woman.I’m 26 yrs old and have unbalanced breast(left side breast is slightly larger than the right one). What I was doing helped me immensely, I was not only consuming fenugreek seeds daily, but I was also adding lots of important nutrients from peanut butter and whole wheat bread to my diet. Then Try This / Hemophilia, Why Some People Bleed Excessively, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). Does Ground Fenugreek Makes U Urinate After Consuming It? I using after my breakfast, lunch and dinner by soaking in water. If this method works for me I will be thankful to you for rest of my life. I want to gain weight with fenugreek seeds but when i had read below article then i confused…please give me advice for gain weight. I am 21 and I have a petite body small boobs etc and Iâm 46kg. Hi Sahar, I would like to ask you this question: is it ok to do physical exercises with this technique? I am correct or I have to adjust the usage of this plant? To make this drink, take two teaspoons of fresh ajwain seeds in a pan and dry roast it on low flame until you get the pungent aroma of the spice. It’s not only going to increase your appetite, it’s also going to help you gain more muscles, and if you are woman, more curves, which is what most women want, including me when they are trying to increase their weight. Please advise.. Hello, this is great, it’s working. Good luck, How much will I gain in a week using this method. As it turns out, the weight gain was likely caused by the fenugreek. How much fenugreek capsules 500mg /cap =2 teaspoons ground fenugreek seeds? Fenugreek. I used to suffer from this problem myself because I was avoiding starchy food, well, it will damage your appetite. No, it’s not enough, you need fats. Before using any advice or material from this website or any linked here, you should first consult with a doctor. I now weigh 85 and have tried over and over again to gain weight, but nothing is working:/ I’m 18 and 5’3. Fenugreek is a powerful natural weight loss ingredient that has a variety of health benefits, such as supporting digestion and maintaining the blood sugar levels. Of course, you could do as you said, if it suits you, personally, I have tried it and I couldn’t drink it. In how many days we can see the result by taking 2 teaspoon of fenugreek and fennel ?? Use my directions please, they’ve been tried and works great. It will affect your weight, better stay put for at least fifteen days to see if your body mass respond positively. Say goodbye to dark circles: Fenugreek is rich in vitamin K and C, both of which may help you combat dark circles (these are the REAL vicious circles, tbh). And is it ok to take with curd by mixing it with honey someone has suggested me in that way Please suggest me with some easy methods after breakfast or meal like when i really want to see the results Thankyou. Worse, socially awkward because of the way I looked, I was very skinny. HI sahar perske. I forbid my readers from roasting fenugreek seeds before grinding them because it removes most of their nutritious elements, especially their phytoestrogens, which are amazing for breasts, buttocks, and hips growth. They are also a source of saponins such as diosgenin, yamogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogens. Thank you. Sorry to bother u again. Be patient Meriam :-), Hello mam, I have been so skinny over the past years and still the same i want to gain weight so badly because of my skinny body whatever i wear doesnt match at all whole year i have been so sad because of my body.. I have 2 kgs I recently bought. i bought funegreek seeds today how i can you use it to gain weight ? One more thing, avoid dairy, poultry and eggs as much as possible, free range is good, and if possible, eat lots of beans, it will help you a lot. Here are the main topics we are going to cover in this post: Fenugreek can be used to gain weight, but it’s not that simple, you have to be careful not to hurt yourself and suffer from its side effects! Where can i buy the product at and what exactly am i suppose to buy? Hi, I bought some powder Fenugreek (Methi) off of Amazon for weight gain. Now, how can I gain weight upto 15 kgs under these conditions. Make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day, as this will increase your appetite. I hope this works because i realy cnt eat much..i do get hungry but i dnt enjoy food i wil just v a small bite they live them. Through your blog I found out that fenugreek is good for breast but I want to know that will it also be good for unbalanced breast sizes ? I have 2 questions. How To Gain Weight Fast! No. I don’t feel good to waste them ! But let’s not forget that the big star here is ground fenugreek seeds, they are amazing in terms of weight gain and also in terms of increasing curves in women. also fenugreek seeds cause excessive bleeding and thins the blood,won’t it be bad for skinny people? these foods are known to help the body store energy more efficiently and are also extremely healthy. How many grams in one teaspoon of powder that you’re taking? You are welcome Caci, whatever you need, I’ll be right here. Fenogreek also contains saponins, which help improve digestion and improve ⦠Dietary supplements and changes can cause serious harm if you are suffering from a condition, so please, always check with a professional caregiver. Tory. Do Fenugreek Sprouts Help With Weight Gain? Don’t worry, you can increase both your weight and breast size. 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds; 1 cup of water; Cinnamon or ginger (for taste) How To Prepare Fenugreek is excellent for the stomach, for the side effects, just a little smell, nothing serious, shower every other day. My question is will fenugreek help me to gain weight without causing any constipation. Fenugreek or methi seeds is a powerful natural weight loss ingredient. now I want one help from you. Hi…. Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of the polysaccharide galactomannan. As long as you are not pregnant, you can take it, but please, you need to stop it three months prior to getting pregnant, better to be safe than sorry. I have always been skinny and underweight all my life and i developed a constipation and anal fissure problem in my late teens .I try to stay away from starchy foods as they tend to constipate me (which is why i probably dont gain much) . One of the best ways to get all the goodness of fenugreek is to drink it as a tea; it’s not only very easy, it’s also extremely efficient as fenugreek tea is going to help increase your appetite and is also going to release all the saponins in the seeds easily. I heard that taking fenugreek powder at morning helps in gaining weight while taking at night cause weight loss! For example, beans, whole grains, potatoes, peanuts, etc. To increase your hips’ size, you should use the following fenugreek recipe: Every week, Sunday is my fenugreek massage oil day, I take three tablespoons of ground fenugreek seeds, and I mix them with four tablespoons of olive oil. They do work; however, they are a little expensive in my opinion since you need to take many to get the same benefits as with ground fenugreek seeds; moreover, fenugreek pills tend to be very heavy on the stomach especially when you consume a lot, as I’m going to show you in some few lines, however, if you drink enough water, and you take them after a large meal, breakfast for example, then, you have nothing to worry about. Iâll definitely follow it 100% without any failure. Hi for gaining weight, you only drink juice or you also chew the seed? Methi dana is excellent for regulating blood sugar. I need more information to answer this question, your age, weight and diet. Fenugreek is going to help with energy extraction and also increase overall energy consumption, which is going to increase calories burned daily and thus increase weight loss! It suppresses the appetite. hiii ma’am i am from india my weight is 40 kgs and height is 5feet 7 inches my weight is become constant from many years plzz ma’am help me !!! Applying a saw palmetto rich cream on your breast, hips or buttocks will increase their size and firmness, of course, don’t forget to take ground fenugreek seeds. Chew on the wet seeds on an empty stomach or drink 250-500 mL of fenugreek water to lose weight. Hi, can i take fenugreek with pap and milk for weight gain? If you don’t grind the seeds, you will not benefit from them. You grind them, two teaspoons a day with at least one cup of water. Iâm 30 years old and my weight is 54kg. The ultimate secret to natural breast enlargement option is Fenugreek?! Hi, I wanna see how the seed actually looks like because in our country we use that seed for cooking curries. Have Thyroid, Increased bad cholesterol, blood pressure problem and little bit high diabetis if... 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