Because it is at the core of who we are and what God intends for us to be. Pray that the influence of the godly will outweigh that of the wicked. Pray for a radical spirit that would dare to challenge ungodly rules in the educational system – they would bring in a righteous revolution for the sake of our children. James 3:4-6                                         Philippians 4:8                                     Psalm 1 Psalm 19:14                                         Matthew 28:19-20                                Psalm 101:3 Psalm 49:3                                           Mark 16:15. Love rejoices in the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6) and truth speaks; truth doesn’t stand by and watch others go down the wrong path. Bring revival into families and into private homes. Ask the Lord to bring a spirit of integrity into those who work in the media. There is ONE way to heaven, ONE way to the Father—JESUS CHRIST. Most of these means of entertainment find their way into every American home, and they have a great influence on our culture. Pray that the Lord will raise up godly leaders in our government. The Lord has called us to build a house of prayer We must pray for our young Christians to grow up and take … Through these channels of entertainment, messages about marriage, sex, family and politics are sent to every watching eye and listening ear. Pray for teachers who are lovers of Jesus. I get excited whenever I see people from Pensacola involved and leading on a national level. Pray against the spirit of manipulation. Pray that we will become a beacon of hope to a hurting world. Below are the seven mountains of influence in America and prayer targets, so you can pray with boldness and faith. The 7 Mountains Of Influence ... Pray those on the Media Mountain will report the truth with integrity and without exaggerating the facts. According to Deuteronomy 28:13, we are to be “the head and not the tail.” We, as Christians, are to be reigning in life, which includes these seven areas—not to lord over others, but to love and serve them through righteousness. Everyone is welcome. Another world-changer, Francis Schaeffer received a similar message from the Lord at about the same time. Pray that the Church will allow the Holy Spirit to move freely, Matthew 16:18                                      John 4:23-24                                        Acts 2:41-47 I Kings 18:21-39                                   Hebrews 10:23-25. Thank God for His people whom He has placed in your life to be encouragers and partners with you in the work to which God has called you. This means we are to pray for all people in authority, whether we agree with them or not. SEVEN MOUNTIANS THAT INFLUENCE THE CULTURE; To impact any nation for Jesus Christ or Yeshua Messiah, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of society that are the pillars of any society. The Kingdom of God is enormous – far bigger than your family or local church.  Ask that God will call believers to be principals, administrators and school board members. Break the back of the spirit of rebellion. The 7 Mountains Of Influence ... Pray those upon the mountain -believers and non-believers - will worship the one true God in spirit and truth, and with passion. What Do People Do All Day? Pray that prayer and righteousness will once again reign in our classrooms. Founding Father Benjamin Rush said, “Nothing can be politically right that is morally wrong.” There’s a lot morally wrong in these seven mountains of influence, and that’s why we, the Christians, are needed in this hour. They were given what they called 7 “spheres of influence”, or the “7 mountains”. Pray for the strengthening of Christian business owners, CEO’s, managers and workers – that they would be ministers of the Gospel on their jobs. [1], Whom Should You Vote For? Perhaps the area most under assault is that of the family. In any functional society, the family is the “building block” of the community. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” –2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV). Isaiah :9 Get yourself up on a high mountain. “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice” (Proverbs 29:2). Family. Some of us living in Connecticut are not only willing, but longing to see God move in this region. To be a city on a hill and light in the darkness, you have to be in the right position or no … Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend,” (KJV). These seven important prayer strategies will carry us through May 7, the National Day of Prayer. by Jacob Ninan. You may have heard of the seven mountains of cultural influence. Bring healing and restoration to families. With that in mind, pray that the media will be truth bearers and contributors to unity. transdenominational, cross-cultural house of prayer representing many churches in the greater Hartford area. Praying for leaders, even when we don’t think they are doing the right things, is productive toward God’s plan and purpose for our nation. Abba Heart | House of Prayer Pray for a spirit of wisdom on their behalf. 7 Mountains Prayer Guide Prayer Digest. This is God’s command to every believer today. Pray for their protection. Pray for a shift in thinking within educational institutions and that educators will teach the full view of Creation and the truth about God. You can pray that all leaders will make righteous and godly decisions. Proverbs 21:1 says the heart of a king is in the hand of the Lord. Kenneth Copeland Ministries is dedicated to building up believers’ faith and deepening their walk with Christ, so they can live the victorious life God promised. © 1997 – 2021 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Pray for godly people to rise up in the area of media and become producers, station owners, anchors and reporters. Intercession for the 7 Mountains of Influence. Each day we will pray together for a different area of influence in our society. Therefore, as intercessors, we are coming to God and praying for The 7 Mountains to be influenced by Godly people, so that His laws would govern the influence of the mountains for our society. About Kenneth Copeland Ministries This means we are to pray for all people in authority, whether we agree with them or not. This is God’s command to every believer today. All of the … While praying for those who are already in authority, we must also pray for more godly men and women to rise up and take their place in positions within government across our nation. When we all come together in unity and pray for the seven mountains of influence, God will hear our prayers, and we will begin to see a shift in our culture toward righteousness. It has been suggested that we need to pray for each of these “7 mountains”. Genesis 1:1                                          Psalm 101:3 Isaiah 65:17                                         Revelation 14:7 Psalm 96:1-3                                       Psalm 19:1, Pray that daily Bible studies and prayer meetings – even churches will be ignited in revival on the workplace. That is why we must pray for the pulling down of demonic entertainment and the uprising of Christ-centered television, games, books and magazines, and movies. Judah was their next target. Pray that our rights to speak the gospel freely will be protected, and that we will not be silenced. Audrey McIntyre House of Good Hope, Inc. P.O. Pray that the Bible will rise up as the standard for behavior and beliefs in our nation, and come against the forces of darkness that are permeating arts and entertainment. Matthew 16:18                                      John 4:23-24                                        Acts 2:41-47, I Kings 18:21-39                                   Hebrews 10:23-25, Psalm 68:5-6                                       Genesis 1:26-28                 Ephesians 3:15, Acts 16:31-32                                       Psalm 107:41                      Genesis 12:3, Genesis 2:21-24                                 Jeremiah 31:1                      Luke 15:11-32, Deuteronomy 6:5-9                             Psalm 25:4-5                                       Psalm 27:11, Psalm 34:11                                         Psalm 90:12                                         Isaiah 2:3, John 14:26                                            I Corinthians 2:12-16, Isaiah 9:6                                              I Peter 2:13-17                                     2 Chronicles 1:10, Proverbs 8:15-16                                 I Timothy 2:1-2                                     Proverbs 29:4, Isaiah 22:22                                         Daniel 2:20-23                                     Matthew 28:18, James 3:4-6                                         Philippians 4:8                                     Psalm 1, Psalm 19:14                                         Matthew 28:19-20                                Psalm 101:3, Psalm 49:3                                           Mark 16:15, Genesis 1:1                                          Psalm 101:3, Isaiah 65:17                                         Revelation 14:7, Psalm 96:1-3                                       Psalm 19:1, Isaiah 60:11                                         Exodus 35:2                                         Acts 16:14-15, Psalm 112                                            Psalm 62:12                                         Acts 18:2-3, Proverbs 13:22                                    Proverbs 13:11. Pray against the operation of unlawful and ungodly businesses that perpetuate sin and hurt our society, such as the drug and alcohol, abortion, pornography and sex-trafficking industries. Joshua 14:12 There are seven “mountains ” of global society. Pray that they will build up, rather than tear down. The mountain of influence encompassing arts and entertainment includes television, movies, video games, magazines and books. When you pray for the seven mountains of influence and godly leaders to rise up within each cultural sphere, you are attacking the enemy’s plan in that particular realm and taking back the dominion that rightfully belongs to us, as Christians. These men of God also acknowledged the fact that the Body of Christ has little to no influence in some of these spheres, where they should! Many warriors carry the mandate to pursue, overtake and recover all. Religion – (Spirituality) 3. Business – (Economy, Finance) 4. Yet, here in chapter 2, the LORD gives His people a HOPE-FILLED PERSPECTIVE and a WAKE-UP CALL TO THEIR … Now is the time to take dominion on the seven mountains of the Lord. Have faith and believe God for a supernatural turnaround in our country’s media outlets! Let’s take our place in prayer by faith, and see our land healed! The enemy has attacked our nation and culture from every direction, making it difficult to know where to even start. Pray that Christian parents will stand against evil curriculums and be a voice. The indoctrination of children at a young age is the goal of many who live against the Word of God. Pray that fathers will take their place as leaders in the home, renounce family curses, and loose blessing for current and future generations. In every culture or society these outside influences shape the way every person thinks. The message was to effect a kingdom impact or culture change in our nation, we would need to recognize and influence the seven mountains or spheres of culture. © 1997 - 2021 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. How to Choose the Right Candidate. As I began to pray late last night, that’s when the Spirit showed to me a powerful correlation between the 7 mountains of influence and the 7 Headed Dragon that I saw in the vision. If you do not have the Prayer Guide, you can obtain it from your church’s prayer coordinator. In order for Christianity to be effective we need leaders in each of these areas. To change Americans’ view of what is and is not acceptable in mainstream society. To intercede or intercession is the act of praying to God on behalf of some (one, situation), in a difficult position by pleading or petitioning. Pray for a spirit of unity in the Church and for the furthering of the gospel to all nations. As David Barton said, we must “move that seven-mountain philosophy forward [and] take God’s principles into all aspects of life.”[1]. Then, rebuke the enemy from his work within the media, and tear down evil foundations with spiritual authority. 7 Mountains of Cultural Influence Joshua and the 7 Enemies Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying, "Pass through the camp and command the people, saying, 'Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess.'" These external influences are so powerful that whole countries can go one way or another: either for good or for evil. Every Believer has been called to make a Kingdom impact by effecting change and transformation on at least one of the seven mountains of societal influence. Realizing the only way revival will come to our land is if the Body of Christ comes together to pray. By Richard Scarry (Random House, 1968) B. Francis Schaeffer received a similar message from the Lord at about the same time. THE SEVEN MOUNTAINS OF INFLUENCE (Colossians 3:23-24) I. As citizens of this great nation, and believers in Jesus Christ, we are called by God to humble ourselves and pray for righteousness in our culture. Box 4042 Hartford CT 06147-4042. the greatest revivals start due to groups of people sacrificing their lives in prayer and intercession. Many want to silence Christians and elevate other religions or even universalism to the top of this critical mountain. Babylon had conquered Assyria. Pray that they will be elected even against strong opposition. Seen as the main source of information, the media has the power to sway viewpoints to match its own. Maintained by WP Web Wizard | © House of Good Hope Inc, • “Fast Forward”, 21-day citywide fast for Hartford. Satan knows if he goes for the jugular—our family unit—he has us right where he wants us—crumbling and falling apart. Pray against the spirit of divorce and for divorce rates to plummet. Make your prayers more effective with these 7 Steps to Prayer That Bring Results. Pray that Americans will stand for life and defend the unborn. Religion. Pray that there will be no divisions among us, and that churches will be led with a spirit of love. These Seven (7) Mountains of Influence are considered to be cultures that mold the way we think and influences our lives on a daily basis, and if we are to make any significant impact and change in the community as a Church, then we must engage these Seven (7) Mountains of societal spheres, and influence them for Christ and His kingdom, by so doing we can bring change and … We believe the government of God is established only through persistent worship, prayer and intercession. Read Ephesians 1:3–6, 9–11. Learn more about how to use your spiritual authority here,, Federal Government: Executive, legislative and judicial branches, State Government: Executive, legislative and judicial branches, Local Government: Executive, legislative and judicial branches, as well as police and first responders. OVERALL PRAYER – FOR ALL MOUNTAINS Pray that God will position His sons and daughters (true followers of Jesus) to positions of influence on every mountain of culture. Pray the Lord would raise up gifted artisans as worshippers in the Arts, that He would be glorified  through paintings, sculptures, songs, etc. Now, what is it Sheets wants you to do?  Whether we like it or not, the media influences our culture greatly. To pray and reclaim “The 7 Mountains of Culture“. Seven Days / Seven Mountains of Culture PRAYER GUIDE OVERVIEW In 1975, God simultaneously gave a message to Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth with a Mission. The free market system is one that is given to us by God, enabling us to grow a healthy economy and build personal wealth. To deliver the truth of God’s Kingdom and unite the Body of Christ with the world at large, we believe we have the mandate to bring Godly change to our nation and, in truth the world, through the seven spheres – or mountains – of societal influence. We pray transdenominationally and cross-culturally. And so are those with evil, unbiblical agendas in this world. Pray the Lord would bring to them His “Daniels” to give them godly counsel. Pray the Lord will raise up believers who hear the call to conquer each of these “mountains”. First Timothy 2:1-3 says that we are to pray, intercede and give thanks for kings and all people in authority. A. I am also asking you to join me in a 7 Day Prayer Strategy May 1-7. These seven mountains are: Business; Government; Media; Arts and entertainment; Education ; Family; Religion ; Every one of us falls into one or more of these mountains of culture. Learn more about how to use your spiritual authority here. These seven mountains are business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion. Also referred to as the 7 pillars of culture or spheres of society: Religion, family, education, government, media, arts, & business. All Rights Reserved. A simple way of approaching it is this— there are seven distinct cultural areas, or “mountains,” that shape and influence our culture and nation. Family 2. Feel free to re-use each Monthly Prayer Digest as you are led. Business is powerful in our culture. In her book Invading the Seven Mountains of Influence: How to Reclaim Society Through Prayer (Creation House), Tommi Femrite teaches how to … Praying for leaders, even when we don’t think they are doing the right things, is productive toward God’s plan and purpose for ou… The more righteous people at the top of each mountain, the more righteousness will reign in our country. Bless those who are in authority over us. The message to both concerned Seven Mountains of influence. It’s easy, simply. Pray that the strongholds keeping these centers for profit in operation will be pulled down in the mighty Name of Jesus. Because of Judah’s rebellion against God, they were about to experience a Babylonian takeover. When you pray, declare that marriage between one man and one woman will remain the foundation of the family in America. The only way true revival can come is if the Lord is allowed to infiltrate every part of our lives! From ungodly curricula to the silencing of Christian students, education is under assault. Isaiah 60:11                                         Exodus 35:2                                         Acts 16:14-15 Psalm 112                                            Psalm 62:12                                         Acts 18:2-3 Proverbs 13:22                                    Proverbs 13:11, *Rev. Pray for marriages to be healed and strengthened. Pray that more Christian teachers will enter the classrooms and be bold in their faith. The earnest prayers of the righteous have great power and produce wonderful results (James 5:16). Say to the cities of Judah, here is you God! Pray that men and women who are called to be in the marketplace will have a revelation of their high calling and walk in it, being blessed and seeing supernatural increase. Many years ago, the Lord spoke to Loren Cunningham (YOUTH WITH A MISSION) and Bill Bright (CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST), first separately, then He brought them together to pray through and discuss this. No—there is not more than one way to heaven. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. Politics – (Government) 5. … No—it is not acceptable, true or right to participate in another religion. Three famous Christian leaders heard God telling them that what they needed to do to impact the world for Christ was to have Christians become active in the spheres of culture that have maximum influence on people’s lives, which God called ‘the seven mountains of influence’. The devil seeks to steal, kill and destroy the family unit. This prayer guide can help you pray through each “mountain”. Pray that the Church would see the enemy as out THERE, and not each other. I heard the Spirit say, “A battle rages in this hour for Kingdom occupation upon the seven mountains of influence.” Psalm 68:5-6                                       Genesis 1:26-28                 Ephesians 3:15 Acts 16:31-32                                       Psalm 107:41                      Genesis 12:3 Genesis 2:21-24                                 Jeremiah 31:1                      Luke 15:11-32. All three believed that in order for the church to impact the world for Jesus Christ, it would be necessary to influence each of the Seven Mountains of society and not just wait for people to come to a church to be influenced … WHAT DO PEOPLE DO ALL DAY? Pray that those Christians God has chosen will heed the call and run for office. 1 issue facing the nation. Pray that we will return to gospel-centered messages and making disciples in the earth. Pray that Christian families will understand and engage in spiritual warfare for their families. Pray for a shift to righteousness in the entertainment world. Want to get notified the next time we upload videos like the one above? If we, as God’s people, seek His face and His right way of doing things, He promises to heal our land. Do warfare against that “gossiping” spirit. Military: Pray for leaders, divine protection for our troops, and courage and dependence on God. All Rights Reserved. THE 7 MOUNTAINS OF SOCIETAL INFLUENCE In fulfilling this God-given mandate to teach and disciple nations (Matt 28:19) the United States Reformation Prayer Network will coordinate spiritual mapping and intercession around 7 strategic mountains, or … All three believed that in order for the church to impact the world for Jesus Christ, it would be necessary for us to influence the Seven Mountains of society. Isaiah 9:6                                              I Peter 2:13-17                                     2 Chronicles 1:10 Proverbs 8:15-16                                 I Timothy 2:1-2                                     Proverbs 29:4 Isaiah 22:22                                         Daniel 2:20-23                                     Matthew 28:18. There is a fight for religion—truth—in our nation. Why? In other words, a friend always tells the truth in love, knowing that it is the truth that makes you free (John 8:32). Pray that churches would band together as a unified army so as to effectively win the lost in their towns together. Abstract. To be a city on a hill and light in the darkness, you have to be in the right position or no one will see you. Those who follow the seven mountain mandate believe that, in order for Christ to return to earth, the church must take control of the seven major spheres of influence in society for the glory of Christ. This is a message of encouragement for those who don't feel they are called to “full-time … These Prayer Points are a monthly supplement to the 1Church Initiative Prayer Guide. Pray that they will stand for righteousness and not be pulled down by the evil influences around them. Such as Media, Government, Education, Economy, Religion, Celebration/Arts & Entertainment and Family. Speak To The Mountains: Prayers & Prophetic Decrees For The 7 Mountains of Cultural Influence: Every Believer has been called to make a Kingdom impact by effecting change and transformation on at least one of the seven mountains of societal influence. Pray that the people of God take dominion over each “mountain” to establish His righteous rule from those places of power and influence. Loren Cunningham (YOUTH WITH A MISSION) and Bill Bright (CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Religion Mountain. He can turn it however He wants, so your prayers are important. Jul 1, 2018 - If you’re looking for a strategic and effective way to pray for the U.S., learn how to pray for the seven mountains of influence in America. Finally, pray that Christians will rise up to become movie producers, magazine editors, authors, video game creators and actors. … Satan is after our children. America is a powerful nation—one that influences other nations around the world, right down to their ability to freely receive and hear the gospel. Answer: The seven mountain mandate or the seven mountain prophecy is an anti-biblical and damaging movement that has gained a following in some Charismatic and Pentecostal churches. They are business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family and religion. *Pray believers will worship the one true God in spirit/truth WITH PASSION. SPHERES OF SOCIETAL INFLUENCE 7 MOUNTAINS MANDATE. It’s time we start contending for the right to speak the gospel in every arena as if lives depend on it—because they do. SEVEN MOUNTAINS OF INFLUENCE. Do we realize that it’s actually those who are at … Premarital sex, cohabitation, divorce, abuse, neglect, abortion and same-sex marriage are all against the Word of God and a direct assault on the family in America. strategically in Connecticut’s state capital, in the heart of our state. No—there are not many gods.  First Timothy 2:1-3 says that we are to pray, intercede and give thanks for kings and all people in authority. Those people at the top of each mountain are the gatekeepers of that particular influence. Pray for a desire for purity and righteousness to infiltrate our media. What we consume through our eyes and ears is what we will begin to believe and even act on. The devices used are often cunning and many lack integrity. Let them be givers of resources to the community, and speak boldly for righteousness without fear. Pray for the greatest revival this country and world has ever seen. *Pray to break down religious spirits of routine, rituals and lack of faith. Throughout … Their aim? With a sharp sword in our mouth, we will influence spheres and advance areas of the seven mountains through strategic prayer. O Sion, bearer of good news, lift up your voice mightily, O Jerusalem, bearer of good news, lift it up, do not fear. Pray for your church and churches in your community. Truth doesn’t huddle in a corner. Threats: Religious Spirit, Lack of Passion/Fervor to believe *Pray believer upon this mountain will reflect Christ and not other religions or cults. More and more, we are seeing children being taught morality according to those who stand against everything the Bible represents, while God has been driven further and further from our schools. Deuteronomy 6:5-9                             Psalm 25:4-5                                       Psalm 27:11 Psalm 34:11                                         Psalm 90:12                                         Isaiah 2:3 John 14:26                                            I Corinthians 2:12-16. , and they have a great influence on our culture greatly Results James... Prayers of the seven mountains of Culture“ with boldness and faith – ( Spirituality ) 3. business – Spirituality... Give thanks for kings and all people in authority, whether we like or. Hate, violence, lust and sin into the hearts of people their. Now, what is and is not more than one way to heaven, one way or another: for... Worship the one above prayers for the seven mountains of influence who we are and what God intends for us to be principals, administrators school. Break down religious spirits of routine, rituals and lack of faith, rather than tear down evil with... 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