Mientras ambos siguen contra el suelo, el resto del grupo se ríe y Todd se agacha para separarles, pero Walt activa un botón en su llavero y una ametralladora surge en su maletero, disparando a la casa y moviéndose automáticamente de un lado a otro. This meth cook could not produce the quality that Lydia Rodarte-Quayle required for her buyers in the Czech Republic, so she attempted to reason with Declan in order to convince him to rehire Todd as the cook. Last Villains from the Breaking Bad television series, its prequel spin-off Better Call Saul, and the 2019 sequel movie El Camino. En última instancia, con el tercio de Jesse del dinero de Todd y el tercero que toma después de matar a Neil, tiene suficiente dinero para comenzar una nueva vida en Alaska. He also tells Andrea that it isn't personal before he shoots her, and regretfully tells Walt that he shouldn't have come back when he arrives at the gang's clubhouse where they plan to murder him. (Granite State). Al detenerse en un restaurante de carretera para comer, Todd deja un mensaje de voz a Walter comentándole sobre el "cambio de administración" que ha habido respecto a Declan. Todd ayuda a Lydia a subir y a caminar por la zona con los ojos cerrados para no ver los cuerpos, avisando a su tío Jack de que Declan es el último en seguir con vida para que Jack le dispare en la cabeza. Todd arranged a meet at the gang's headquarters. A Lydia le molesta que el color azul no esté presente, lo cual no agradará a sus contactos en Europa. En recuerdos de la época de Jesse en cautiverio, Todd y Kenny supervisan a Neil Kandy para construir una nueva jaula para Jesse luego de su intento de fuga. Jack Welker (uncle) † Later, Todd improved his cook to 76%. Todd singing the song "Sharing The Night Together" while driving. Though Saul does not appear in El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, Ed refers to him when Jesse attempts to persuade Ed to help him leave Albuquerque and begin a new life. Su actitud hacia su tío Jack es más familiar, y a pesar de que tiene un ansia por impresionarles con sus habilidades, no parece tener la misma adulación que tiene con sus jefes. Se dedican a esto hasta que la empresa es adquirida por Walter, Jesse y Mike, quienes les avisan para que dejen de r… Ordenándole que se calme, Jack le recuerda que aún queda Brock. Todd lleva a Jesse a su complejo de apartamentos donde agregan un dosel a Todd's El Camino juntos. A petición de Lydia, Todd y otros dos neonazis entran en la casa de los White estando enmascarados para amenazar a Skyler ya que Walter ha empezado a ser investigado por sus crímenes (y ha huido de Albuquerque) y ella podría delatar información que les lleve hacia Lydia. Fallecido He took notes and studied them on his break. The three torment Jesse, though Todd expresses some concern that Jesse could break his leg and be unable to cook for them. Despite his soft spoken nature and child-like fascination with the criminal underworld, Todd has proven himself to be a more than capable criminal, and will normally act on instinct when he feels that the secrecy of his occupation is in jeopardy. Todd in one of Jesse's flashbacks in El Camino. Todd was then called by Walt, who said that he needed his uncle Jack for another job, but this time the target was Jesse. Jack Welker (tío) Jesse is later visited by Todd while the rest of the gang is out and Todd requests his help with something. 61st Street • Better Call Saul / Breaking Bad • Dietland • Fear the Walking Dead • Into the Badlands • Mad Men • NOS4A2 • Pantheon • Preacher • Soulmates • The Walking Dead Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki! El grupo se deshace del cuerpo del niño utilizando ácido flúorhídrico y después Todd trata de explicarse afirmando que hizo lo que hizo por que el chico era un posible testigo de lo ocurrido en el desierto. While Jack and his gang also decided to take Walt's money for themselves, Jack spared Walt and allowed him to keep a single barrel of the buried money. In the final episode of breaking bad, jack and his gang was going to kill Jessie but Todd saves him by saying he can cook for them. Trata de hablar sobre su supuesta receta, pero Todd le comenta que no debería haber ido hacia allí. Jesse les grita para que le maten y acaben con aquello, ya que se niega a seguir cocinando para ellos. Todd vuelve a impedir que le maten, recordándole a su tío que aún tienen 600 galones de metilamina por cocinar y necesitan a Jesse. Many months after his disappearance, Walt surprised Todd and Lydia by showing up at their meeting in their usual café. ", Derrumbado, Walter es arrestado y Hank lo mete en un coche. Todd notices and disables a nanny cam at Walt and Jesse's first cook site, attracting their attention. Mientras Lydia visita a Declan y baja por una escotilla para ver el precario estado de su laboratorio subterráneo, Todd se acerca al desguace en cuestión junto a su tío Jack y el grupo de neonazis. His surname "Alquist" is of Swedish origin. Todd con Jack y Kenny en el restaurante. Afterwards, Todd and the crew drove the methylamine back from Arizona into New Mexico ("Confessions"). Todd has Jesse look in the hollowed-out encyclopedia on his desk, revealing Todd's drug money. Following Walter White's fleeing New Mexico, Todd and the gang went to Walt's old house and intimidated Skyler White, telling her not to say anything about having met Lydia Rodarte-Quayle. En su nuevo laboratorio, Todd produce un lote de cristal azul para probar su nivel de calidad ante Jack, Kenny y Lydia, obteniendo un 76% que pese a no ser perfecto, es superior a la calidad que producía Declan. "Felina" is the series finale of the American drama television series Breaking Bad. Walt y Jesse empiezan a llevar a cabo su plan de cocinar dentro de las casas sometidas a fumigación. Todd and the other Vamonos employees are burglars, gathering information and selling it to outside parties from the houses they tent, though this practice stops once they conceal the meth operation. Estaba operando para su tío Jack, Los Suprema cistas Blancos y su aliada Lydia Rodarte-Quayle hasta que fueron asesinados a manos de Walter White. Galería de imágenes (46) Later that evening Walt drove to Jack Welker's Compound to share his new technique. (Felina). Without hesitation, Todd drew his pistol and shot the boy dead ("Dead Freight"). According to Lydia, the Crystal Meth made by Todd is 74% pure, without Walt's assistance. Después de destrozar literalmente el departamento buscándolo, Jesse finalmente lo encuentra escondido en el refrigerador de Todd, pero tiene que lidiar con Neil y su compañero Casey, dos delincuentes que también buscan el dinero de Todd para ellos con Neil estimando que el dinero es al menos un Millón de dólares. Todd's primary motivation seems to be gratification from his employers, rather than greed or morality, and will go to great lengths to please them. Todd is shown to often lack social cues. Todd explains that he murdered Sonia for finding it. El grupo apunta sus armas hacia Hank y Gomez, quienes hacen lo propio y se identifican como policías. Poco después, Todd contacta con su tío Jack, líder de un grupo neonazi. Interpretado por En un artículo en línea de 2013 de Bustle, Todd fue calificado como el tercer personaje más malvado en Breaking Bad, superado solo por Tuco Salamanca y su tío Jack. Despite his soft spoken nature and child-like fascination with the criminal underworld, Todd has proven himself to be a more than capable, skilled and dangerous criminal, and will normally act on instinct when he feels that the secrecy of his occupation is in jeopardy. Gilligan también ha trabajado en las series The X Files y Los pistoleros solitarios.Se graduó de la Escuela de Arte Tisch de la Universidad de Nueva York Walt and Todd then continued to cook Blue Sky for several months without any hiccups, until Walt bowed out of the meth business ("Gliding Over All"). Todd, su tío y Kenny regresan a Nuevo México por carretera con el enorme tanque de metilamina remolcado al coche. 2009 Jack held Walt at gunpoint but Walt called him out on his failure to kill Jesse and said that Jack was partnered with him. Todd regresa a la casa con el prisionero, que además de cicatrices tiene barba y pelo largo. Walt taught him how to cook meth in the mobile lab, telling him to try his hardest and pay attention, instructions which Todd seemed to take to heart. Date of death because it seems like … When Jesse attempted to escape from the compound, Todd cowed him back into cooperating by executing Andrea Cantillo and telling him that if Jesse failed to cooperate, Brock would also be killed. Todd attempts to bribe Jesse into not shooting him. His relationship with his employers is always one of respect and loyalty, and will execute any command unflinchingly and without remorse. En el presente, Jesse regresa al departamento de Todd, ahora bloqueado con cinta policial, en busca del dinero de las drogas de Todd para pagarle al "desaparecido" Ed. Later, Walt was tricked by Jesse into driving out the desert spot where he buried his money; as a car approached, Walt called Jack for help, saying that he needed Jack and his gang to save him if they wanted him to be around to cook for them. Su apellido "Alquist" es de origen sueco. Sin embargo, Todd interviene, comentando que primero deberían averiguar lo que ha delatado a la DEA para después matarle (proponiendo que él mismo se encargue de ello). Tras su primera sesión cocinando, Todd rechaza el dinero que le ofrece Walt diciéndole que antes prefiere seguir aprendiendo hasta mejorar. Familia Relationships Jesse Plemons, Actor: The Irishman. Characters from Breaking Bad in El Camino, Deceased characters from season 5B (Breaking Bad), http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=alquist, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgflKNWgGxg2, https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/Todd_Alquist?oldid=109888, In an online 2013 article by Bustle, Todd was ranked as being the third most evil character on. Todd's Apartment Breaking Bad Wiki es una comunidad FANDOM en TV. There would have been no more rational way for him to handle it. The episode "Blood Money", which aired on August 11, 2013 was dedicated to Kevin. Todd Alquist Is the Sociopathic Villain of Breaking Bad's Final Season. September 7, 2010 Status Age Todd se acerca a la ventana para ver quien les dispara y alcanza a ver el arma en el maletero de Walter. The gang opened fire on Hank and Gomez, who fired back while taking cover ("To'hajiilee"). Jesse lo encontró por primera vez mientras enterraba el cuerpo de Sonia en el desierto. Breaking Bad Wiki es un sitio web creado por los fans con el fin de recopilar información relacionada con las series. Él parece sorprendido por ello, pero acaba accediendo. Later at the compound, Todd took a battered Jesse out of a cell and hooked him up with a chain to a track inside his lab and told him to help with a meth cook, showing he knew about Andrea Cantillo and Brock Cantillo ("Ozymandias"). After Jack and his gang kill Hank Schrader and Steven Gomez, Todd recommends keeping Jesse alive so he can cook meth for them, and Jack agrees. (Gliding Over All). Todd showed great interest in the plan, trying to make Walt see the potential in him. Después, recibe una llamada de Walter, que quiere volver a ver al grupo de su tío para darles un nuevo encargo. He began his career as a child actor and achieved a career breakthrough with his supporting role as Landry Clarke in the NBC drama series Friday Night Lights (2006–11). Jesse took the opportunity once the gunfire had ceased to strangle Todd with his shackles, killing him ("Felina"). Todd threatens to "visit" Brock Cantillo if Jesse attempts to escape from Jack Welker's Gang. Ultimately, with Jesse's third of Todd's money and the third he takes after killing Neil, he has enough money to begin a new life in Alaska. It is the sixteenth episode of season five and the 62nd overall episode of the series. Todd later met with Lydia to inform her that Skyler had been scared into compliance, and that the latest batch of Blue Sky was 92% pure. answering the question, i like todd, ... A subreddit for fans and critics of the hit television series Breaking Bad on AMC. Following the shootout, Hank and Gomez were killed, Jack found out about Walt's buried money, and Jesse is found hiding under Walt's car. When Jesse attempted to escape, Todd punished him by executing his former girlfriend Andrea Cantillo. Durante una nueva reunión en la cafetería, Lydia y Todd son sorprendidos por el propio Walter, con barba, pelo y un aspecto enfermizo. When Declan declined, Lydia had Jack and his gang murder Declan and his crew. Appearance in El Camino (Buried) No-Doze is a lieutenant of Tuco Salamanca's drug syndicate and a minor antagonist in the television series Breaking Bad. Following Breaki… Once Walt realized that Jesse was with Hank Schrader and Steven Gomez, Walt told Jack not to come. Toddy ("Felina")Ricky Hitler ("Buyout") Walt, Jesse and Mike came to the agreement that Todd would remain part of their crew but Mike warned him not to bring a gun to job again unless he told Mike about it first. Todd helped Lydia out of Declan's meth lab, where she was hiding. Todd helped Walt and Mike dispose of Drew's corpse and motorcycle in Hydrofluoric acid. He was murdered by Todd Alquist after unintentionally witnessing Walter White 's … Esa misna noche, Jesse logra salir de la celda y corre hacia una verja para saltarla, pero el grupo aparece completamente armado para impedir que se vaya. He subsequently portrayed Todd Alquist in season 5 of the AMC crime drama series Breaking Bad and won a Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance as part of the show's ensemble cast; he reprised the role in the television film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie(2019). Occupation Como consecuencia, Jesse es amordazado y llevado por miembros del grupo hacia la calle en la que vive Andrea. La 10° entrega de los Premios de la Crítica Televisiva otorgados por la Broadcast Television Journalists Association (BTJA), para galardonar la mejor programación de la televisión en horario estelar del 2019 se llevó a cabo el 12 de enero de 2020 en el Hangar Barker en Santa Monica, California.Fue transmitida por The CW y conducidos por Taye Diggs. Justo después, el grupo acaba descubriendo los barriles con el dinero de Walter y se preparan para quedarse con todos. El imperio funciona de forma fluida y sin contratiempos hasta que Walter decide retirarse del negocio. After literally tearing the apartment apart looking for it, Jesse eventually finds it hidden in Todd's fridge, but has to contend with Neil and his partner Casey, two criminals who are also after Todd's money for themselves with Neil estimating the money to be at least a million dollars. Here you will find discussions and speculations about the show, pictures from the show, AMA's with the cast, and anything else Breaking Bad related. Todd trabaja en la empresa de control de plagas Vamonos Pest, en la cual paralelamente lleva a cabo con sus compañeros múltiples robos en las casas en las que son contratados para trabajar. Todd was the cook left in charge after Walt's departure. Jesse Plemons was born on April 2, 1988 in Dallas, Texas, USA as Jesse Lon Plemons. Deceased Walter intenta una forma de atraer a Jesse, aunque no lo consigue — en cambio, el propio Walt es atraído hacia el desierto al ser engañado por Jesse junto con Hank y Gomez, quienes le hacen creer que saben donde está enterrado su dinero en el desierto (algo que Walter hizo para mantenerlo oculto). Social life The heist is successful, though Todd shoots and kills … Appearances in Better Call Saul La motivación principal de Todd, en vez de ser codicia o moralidad, parece más bien la gratificación de sus jefes — es capaz de hacer lo que sea con tal de complacerles. Cuando Jesse comienza a llorar, Todd intenta incómodamente consolarlo. Before Walt and Jesse's first cook, Todd informed the duo of a nanny-cam in the living room of the house ("Hazard Pay"). Todd se reúne con Lydia en una cafetería para confirmarle que no tendrá ningún problema con Skyler, aunque Lydia cree que él debería haber eliminado a Skyler en vez de simplemente asustarle. (Dead Freight), Jesse, furioso por lo ocurrido y por la actitud de Todd, le da un puñetazo en la cara. Todd le pide perdón por haber causado la desaparición del color y promete que tratará de no cometer el mismo error. Todd and his gang take Jesse back to their compound, where he remained as their slave cook for several months. In the present, Jesse returns to Todd's apartment, now blocked off with police tape, in search of Todd's drug money to pay the "disappearer" Ed with. En el territorio del grupo, Jesse es mantenido como prisionero en una celda subterránea, además de ser torturado y golpeado. Gus also ordered killings, including one of a child, but he did so to protect his empire. Kenny le apunta con un arma y Jack pide a sus hombres que se lo lleven hacia fuera. He also appears to be infatuated in Lydia, a sentiment not reciprocated. https://breakingbad.fandom.com/es/wiki/Todd_Alquist?oldid=16472. Algún tiempo después, Todd colabora con Lydia en su intento de renovar el negocio, ya que tras la salida de Walt, ella ha seguido haciendo negocios con Declan, pero la calidad de su producto ha bajado: dio una oportunidad a Todd, pero él no se dio bien con el laboratorio e incluso causó un fuego en su tercera vez cocinando. Fumigator for Vamonos Pest (former)Lab assistant for Walter White (former)Enforcer/Meth Cook for Jack Welker Last Walter mira a Jesse durante algunos segundos y luego acaba lanzándose contra él y derribándolo. He is shown to be a skilled psychological tormentor, being able to break Jesse almost completely whilst he is his prisoner and is even able to dissuade Jesse from shooting him with his pistol, displaying patience and calmness even when in a life threatening situation. Jesse Lon Plemons (Dallas, 2 de abril de 1988) es un actor estadounidense, recordado por sus papeles como Landry Clarke en Friday Night Lights, Todd Alquist en Breaking Bad y El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, Ed Blumquist en Fargo y Robert Daly en " USS Callister ", capítulo perteneciente a la serie Black Mirror, que se trasmite a través de la plataforma digital Netflix. One of the actors whose appearance changed most noticeably was Jesse's captor, Todd Alquist, played by Jesse Plemons. After the three secured the methylamine, their celebration was witnessed by young Drew Sharp. En cuanto él se va, Lydia asegura a Todd que no tienen intención alguna de hacer negocios con Walt, sino que deben deshacerse de él. Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008–2013) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. (Say My Name), Todd trabajando con Walt. He at one point was an employee of the Albuquerque Gazette and later began working for Ira at Vamonos Pest; working as a fumigator and also secretly as a burglar. Todd saluda al niño y luego, casi sin titubear, saca una pistola y le dispara en el pecho, matándolo al instante. Early 20s Toda la información, marcas oficiales e imágenes presentadas en el sitio son utilizadas bajo los términos del fair use . Todd gets strangled to death by Jesse Pinkman. Por la noche, Todd baja una escalera para recogerle y le lleva hacia el laboratorio del grupo para revelarle sus intenciones: quiere que Jesse cocine el producto para ellos encadenado en el laboratorio y le obliga a hacerlo amenazándole con una fotografía de Andrea y Brock. Al ver que Walt le acusa de estar colaborando con Jesse (debido a la continuación del tráfico de cristal azul) Jack ordena a Todd a buscar al prisionero para que Walter lo vea antes de morir. When Jack, Kenny, Todd and the rest of the gang arrived at the spot they drew their guns, which led to a Mexican standoff between the gang and Hank and Gomez. Walt revela que Jesse está escondido bajo su coche, el grupo le captura y Jack se prepara para asesinarle. Lydia rechaza la oferta, insistiéndole en que mejore la calidad y lo haga por ella (aprovechándose al notar la atracción que siente Todd por ella). (Buyout), Ante la decisión de Jesse de retirarse del negocio, Walter se lleva a Todd como nuevo asistente de laboratorio y trata de enseñarle a cocinar el producto. After killing Mike, Walt called on Todd to help dispose of Mike's car and corpse. He even warns Jesse not to escape as it will force him to have to go and murder Andrea's young son, Brock and that it will be out of his hands, showing at least some reluctance to carry out such a deed. Primera aparición After the cook, Todd turned down Walt's offer of money until he improved ("Say My Name"). Todd se acerca a Walt para darle el pésame y convence a su tío para que le dejen quedarse con uno de los barriles. While Walt seemed to accept Todd's callous rationale, Mike and Jesse were disgusted and angry. Walter y Todd siguen preparando lotes de cristal azul durante los tres meses siguientes y distribuyéndolos en Phoenix, Arizona (Todd lleva el producto a los hombres de Declan y ellos llevan el dinero) y también con envíos hacia República Checa (gracias a Lydia). It has been hinted that he has been arrested for his crimes before and ended up having to be bailed out by Saul Goodman. He is an actor, known for The Irishman (2019), Game Night (2018) and … is it really just for the reasons he states? Todd Alquist (Hazard Pay), Posteriormente, Todd ayuda a Walt, Jesse y Mike cuando tratan de extraer 1000 galones de metilamina de uno de los vagones de un tren en medio del desierto y reemplazar parte del contenido con agua para que el peso no cambie. While looking in Todd's glove compartment, Jesse finds Todd's gun and considers shooting him, but Todd calmly talks Jesse down, offering to buy him pizza. He later murders an innocent mother on the orders of his uncle just to punish Jesse and deter him from escaping and also allows his comrades Kenny and Neil Kandy to torment Jesse just for pleasure, showing that he is also sadistic. Todd takes Jesse to his apartment complex where they add a canopy to Todd's El Camino together. Jesse Plemons (Confessions). Todd is seen working at Vamonos Pest. Todd se dirige al porche y habla con Andrea durante unos segundos, afirmando ser un amigo de Jesse y diciendo que está cerca de allí. Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan had wanted his lead character to be a protagonist that turned into an antagonist over the course of the show, or as Gilligan had described in other ways, turning Mr. Chips into Scarface. "Felina" Los tres atormentan a Jesse, aunque Todd expresa cierta preocupación de que Jesse pueda romperse la pierna y no pueda cocinar para ellos. eaking d Wiki test Episode xt Episode atured Media acters asons Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki! —— mike todd dead, mike todd and cantinflas; Anuncio relacionado con: Mike Todd. Jack explained that Todd still respected Walt and wouldn't approve if they killed him or left him with nothing. Todd explica que asesinó a Sonia por encontrarlo. Estaba a punto de usarlo para dispararle a Todd y escapar, pero decidió no hacerlo (presumiblemente porque sabía que la pandilla mataría a Brock en represalia). Yet, strangely enough, Todd usually appears to mean well, offering condolences to Walt for the death of his brother-in-law, offering Jesse ice cream while simultaneously keeping him as a slave cook and later offering him pizza after assisting him in disposing of his maid's body (though while being held at gunpoint). Más tarde, Todd visita a Jesse mientras el resto de la pandilla está fuera y Todd solicita su ayuda con algo. Es el personaje principal con menos apariciones en la serie, después de Lydia. Todd makes an appearance in the short film Snow Globe, constructing a snow globe (which is seen by Jesse and Casey in El Camino) as he tries to call Lydia to ask her on a date. While Jesse is often defiant and protests many of Walt's actions and insists on avoiding harming or murdering the innocent, Todd is shown to be even more obedient and loyal to Walt, following his orders completely and not questioning his decisions, even if it includes senseless murder and does anything he can to please Walt. Humorísticamente, meses después, el P89 de Todd todavía estaba en la guantera, lo que sugiere que Todd nunca se molestó en mover el arma después de que Jesse casi lo disparó con él. ✔ Yes Before they are able to kill him however, the entire gang is wiped out when Walt activated an M60 machine gun he placed in the trunk of his car, killing most of the gang. Jesse procede a llevar el P89 como su arma principal, hasta que Neil Kandy lo toma. Gilligan needed to have this character come into a midlife crisis that would put him into seeking risky options that would turn him into more criminal activities. Mientras mira en la guantera de Todd, Jesse encuentra el arma de Todd y considera dispararle, pero Todd calmadamente habla con Jesse, ofreciéndole comprarle pizza. Todd sale, entra en su coche y empieza a contemplar con una sonrisa sombría un tarro con una tarántula, objeto que pertenecía al niño disparado. In addition, a scene in the film shows that the strip mall location of Saul's former law office has become a … Declan sube al ser avisado, pero sus hombres son masacrados por el grupo en un violento tiroteo. Written and directed by series creator Vince Gilligan, it aired on AMC in the United States and Canada on September 29, 2013. He later assisted Jesse and Walt during a train heist for methylamine to produce Blue Sky. (Granite State). Images (69). Todd dealt with his situation perfectly. Walter grita desde el coche para que Jack no lo haga, pero de nada sirve su esfuerzo: el grupo abre fuego contra ellos (Todd dispara con una pistola) y un encarnizado tiroteo tiene lugar. Under the employ of Declan, Todd managed two successful cooks but accidentally started a fire on his third, which prompted Declan to hire back his old cook. The apartment is first seen in a flashback when Todd brings Jesse to it to help him dispose of Sonia 's body, whom Todd killed when she discovered his hidden money. Jack asked Walt for the particulars of the contract, and then agreed to it, but on the condition that Walt will cook for them to help Todd learn how to make the meth blue again. El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie takes place immediately after the end of the Breaking Bad series finale, but in reality it was filmed almost six years later - which is why some returning characters look very different. Todd’s instincts told him to pull the trigger, no other reason needed. Antes de "El Camino", Todd era el único personaje al que Jesse Pinkman mató voluntariamente. He even keeps a trophy of the ordeal in the form of the dead boy's tarantula, in a way showing that he takes pride in the murders he commits. Walt le pide que se esfuerce al máximo y preste atención, instrucciones que Todd sigue a rajatabla, tomando apuntes del proceso y estudiándolos en su tiempo libre. His uncle was the leader of a violent gang for which Todd was a close ally to and also an enforcer. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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