Story of the first time you defied a parent. Straight to the point. Thus, choosing a catchy name for your preschool is one of the most important things these days in the competing school and education sector. – Katie Salo The Riveting Book Club; 8th Of March Book Club; The Book Sisters; Emancipate Book Club In the same way, a blog name is also essential. Masters of Words: This is an awesome name. And if so, who/which library should I give credit to if asked about the name? We kept getting the question: “Do you really read to them for an hour straight?” Eventually our Spanish-speaking patrons learned to see past the name of our program. Work with 100’s of naming experts. Fairview Free Public Library– via Y… A great short story writer that I was studying under once told me, never write your life story, it … character name generator. If you are throwing a party this evening, there are some catchy names for parties which you can use to name your event. If I’m talking about a library program, I feel very strongly it works better as “storytime” and the little red squiggly lines make me annoyed too. They will look different and give some magical touch to your party. Don’t leave patrons guessing if your program is right for them. This is such a timely post for me! If you want somebody to be able to tell from just the title of your story that the story is scary, then making the title of your story sound scary is important, but if you use your imagination you could use just about any titles for your scary short stories. Feminist Club Names. Something that portrays you are expecting a group of kids with a caregiver. ... Use the name generator to provide story characters with dissimilar names. Male. If one particular setting plays a central role in the story, consider using that setting for your title. Mixed Minds: Use this if your book club has a tendency to alternate between different types or genres of books. Maybe you've checked Here are Catchy and Good Nature blog names ideas for you. First time you realized that you were going to die. Last. Maybe I can open up a conversation about how to re-brand the program names… you’ve got me thinking! 10 tips on how to write catchy names and titles for eCourses: 1 Use popular search queries ‘Search engines know more than the rest of us know about our more intimate thoughts. Names for play school. Indian Prairie Library 1. I think the point that I’m trying to make is that the name of your storytime program needs to make sense to your patrons. Your email address will not be published. Along the same lines: we’d like to rename our childcare/preschool/Head Start storytime. Stories for the Crowd, All Together Stories. ... of writing Epic Fantasy Fantasy giveaways indie publishing new release publishers Ravanmark self publishing Series specials story mechanics Website Stuff writer's bookshelf writer's craft writing writing exercises writing resources. Hi Katie! The simple automated character name generator below will help in your search for interesting and unique character names, male or female. ), but we were also going to be combining ages. . In previous years, I’ve had a “Toddler Time” for 2-3 year olds, and a “Pre-School Time” for 3-5 year olds. Now we are sharing another large list of 225 funny private story names for Snapchat that are new ideas and created with love. You can also check out this Google Calendarfor online KidLit events hosted by authors and illustrators. . It's that Story Name Ideas. I settled on “Storytime for Littles” (age 0-2 yrs) and “Storytime for Bigs” (age 2-5 yrs). and let me know that her son has developed an aversion to the word storytime. But I often wonder if re-branding or re-naming would have created less confusion. I fell in love with the concept of Little university (as well as the class names! ... Story time at night, or even in a bookstore was so much fun when the kids were little..we created a lot of memories to last a lifetime, - … Pure Nature Kiss. I am constantly waging battle against renaming my story times with cutesy names (which is what library admin really wants me to do for some reason). Cynthia the Story Spinner Cynthia - Story Lady Cynthia - Book Lady Cynthia's Story Sessions Cynthia's Story Time Cynthia - the story snatcher Miss Read Gosh I'm lacking originality today! Early Literacy Librarian 9. Stay back! I regularly have 30-40 kids at Monday story time- we offer story time three mornings a week- so I don’t really see the point of a name change. It informs parents that what we do is not just about fun (which it usually is! The contents of a blog are essential part of a blog. Before I started at my new library, staff had worked to re-brand all storytime classes under a name: Little University. Discover a list of creative and catchy company name ideas to inspire you. 107K 704 717 ... i'm trying my best to come up with different and creative names →current name ideas... Story Title Ideas [Part 2] 28.3K 221 16. hiiiii y'all i'm back w a part two cuz some people wanted a part two to my first book title ideas book. I know — Carrie’s names are great! See more ideas about activities, preschool activities, crafts. It was my grandmothers lastname, and I … I know of libraries who make make their storytime names clear and easily understood for patrons: “Wonderful Ones” and “Terrific Twos”; “Walkers, Wigglers, and Crawlers” and “Lapsit”; “Family Storytime” and “On Our Own Storytime” — these storytime names use ages or development milestones or the target audience in their names. I’d be interested to hear what happens if you do decide to drop it. What do you call your storytimes and why? Patrons really responded to it! I'm someone who creates lots of random stories in my head, and half the time the characters last name is Rodriguez. No guessing what to expect. Let me explain. or female name, and then click the 'Generate Name' button. I asked the question about naming storytime in the Storytime Guerrilla Facebook group a couple months ago because I was looking at re-branding ours. Start typing a few ideas in a search engine and wait for the autocomplete to suggest a few search phrases. And that it isn’t necessary to have a clever name, but is necessary to have a clear name. Patrons were constantly asking what kinds of activities happened in our programs. *grabs the names Dawn and Willow from the list* Zey my names. This last name is just AWESOME! :D). But beware, creative baby names does not mean that you get creative with the names. She went on to explain that he loves books and stories and the library, but that “storytime” tripped him up. . right combination of names, and still you can't find one you like? (Yeah, I'm one for unusual names XD) And two were used on this list! until the right combination appears. Character Name Generator for Creative Writers. If Cynthia uses the same venue, then another option is to consider a funky name for the venue which links to the story telling sessions. Scary Short Story Titles and Your Imagination. Reach out to them and make sure that your message is being heard. I liked the idea of incorporating ages (Babytime, Terrific Twos, etc. Oct 20, 2019 - Books, crafts, and activities for the joy of reading and learning. [Or maybe just bored and need to pass the time.] For Littles and For Bigs is definitely patron-friendly language. I take absolutely no credit, but the re-branding was awesome. If you have Polly and Paul in the same story, or even Robert and Rebecca, readers will have a difficult time remembering their names. Essence Wild. *Pokes people with a stick* XD You will probably see these names in my story. Being creative is just one way to bring your imagination to reality. 7. So, what’s in a name? For example, if the crux of your story is something that happened in a town called Washington Depot, you might simply title the story “Washington Depot.” and then have fun choosing one at the bottom of the page with the random When coming up with ideas for titles for scary short stories, use your imagination. And I began to think about how we name our programs. West Vancouver Memorial Library– via Instagram Live 4. Offering our time and attention to the wonderful women writers out there is one great way to do fight for equality. Repeat as often as you like and easily generate alternatives, until you find one that suits your Story Plot Generator: This is a powerful tool that can generate countless appealing story plots. The name of the town is usually the first impression on people passing through or coming to live. St. Catharines Public Library – via Facebook 3. Yoga as a Bridge for Serving a Cross Section of Your Library Population. Our brand emphasizes the learning aspects of storytime in a way that’s marketable to patrons. Here is a list of the 201 most creative preschool names of all-time. Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is moderated, lively, and welcoming.With thousands of award-winning articles and community groups, you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest questions, and … Life story. The following libraries are livestreaming storytimes while they are closed. I guess what I would try to do is ask admin why they want the change when you’re clearly reaching your patron base. I’m looking at Carrie’s comment, and I’m thinking I really like Story Time for Littles and Story Time for Bigs. Character Motivation: Understanding Why Characters Act, About     Contact    Advertise     Privacy Policy & Disclaimer, © Copyright 2008 - 2019   Be-A-Better-Writer.comAll Rights Reserved. Let’s talk about naming storytime, shall we? Now play around with the character name generator below to quickly We have collected more than 400,000 interesting story plots. The one having congenial nature and a desire to be creative and analytically smart: Girl: Ambhasa: Another name of Goddess Parvati; the running water which is free and creative: Unisex: Amyah: A very unique name who have a creative insight: Girl: Andrena: Feminine form of Andrew; creative, outgoing and manly: Girl: Ariyana Big Group Storytime? One of them is how we name our thoughts. I LOVE the idea of Little University! Tips Wild. Want to write a customised short story really quickly? Follow these suggestions for naming fictional characters Get the ALSC Blog news delivered free to your email or to your reader: Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. New York Public Library– via Vimeo 7. 11. Personally, my three favourite girl names ever are Dawn, Willow and Ivy. Recently we shared some creative Snapchat private story ideas that can easily help you find a unique and catchy name for your own private story on which you share your images and videos with a selected audience (a list of people). Ohhhh, I love the idea of “Mice” and “Lions” to show storytime activity level. Right now we have the basic – “Infant, Toddler, Preschool” storytimes. Our patrons take Little U classes very seriously — we have a registration start date and classes have a teacher-student ratio, just like a real university. And, of course, now is the time to have the library debate of “storytime” vs. “story time” in the comments. It works for this year. A creative name gives more attention and attraction to your preschool or any other business. name search When you picture your future artist, musician, Broadway performer, or poet, what name comes to mind? Find unique names by industry, popular words, ideas, and more. No matter the name, a program is successful if it’s reaching your patrons and teaching them to love the library and to love learning those valuable early literacy skills. Any ideas? 260 Creative Ideas for Storytimes A free booklet with lots of ideas. I’m torn between keeping the word storytime — because it’s what parents have come to look for — and dropping it, in case, as you mentioned, it may be keeping some kids away. Sometimes I think the word “storytime” brings up a very sedate idea of sitting in a room and listening quietly. Therefore, for your convenience, we have given some unique blog names for you. Of course, you can’t just pick out random names either because there is power behind the names you give. First time you lived away from home; First time you were in love with someone you shouldn’t have been. This year, we instead have “Mice” and “Lions.” The first is meant to be a bit more sedate, using more puppets, flannel board stories and art, and the second includes musical instruments, more physical movement and the occasional parachute party. Receive great, customized brand name suggestions instantly. My town has a very young demographic and high birthdate, with a lot of stay-at-home mothers with multiple young children–I was finding that I rarely had the age range that I’d prepared for, since a parent or caregiver would simply bring their infant, two y/old and 4 y/old to whichever day fit their schedule best. In the dropdown menu below, choose whether you want a male I stumbled onto this page when looking for an interesting topic for my thesis on storytime (yes, storytime to me too!) Character Name List. Ultimately the official translation that was approved was “hora de cuentos” which literally translates back to English as “storyhour”. Sustain Nature. Surrey Libraries– via YouTube 5. Name the title after an important setting. ), but that we are purposefully planning a program to engage children in early literacy skills. 8. character? Flipping through phone books is the easiest way to coin innovative and unique names for fictional characters. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Any Nature. Have you struggled to imagine a suitable name for your story or novel I currently have Baby and Toddler Story Time (ages 0-2) and Preschool Story Time (ages 2-5). Feminism is still seen by some people (who certainly do not live in 2020) as a dirty word, and we must strive to change that. Time period name generator This name generator will give you 10 random names for historical periods of time, similar to names like 'the stone age', 'the middle ages' and so on. It works for me, and it works for my families. Give Your Character a Prefix or Suffix. Unique Last Name Ideas for Fictional Characters of Your Book. Not sure if I’ll keep it for the future. Then check this book out for some amaze and slightly creepy titles. Creative baby names bring in the unique factor and a blend of singularity which can make heads turn! So who knows. Have any interesting name stories to share? Oct 8, 2016 - Explore Donna Holmen's board "Library Storytime Ideas", followed by 600 people on Pinterest. Choose a style, opening and type of ending, name your character, choose a few adjectives and we write a story for … Queens Public Library– via Facebook Live 6. This post started in my head after a parent thanked me for my new preschool storytime (that I’ve named Discovery!) in baby books or have flipped through the phonebook looking for the I planned this Family Storytime for that reason. We used to name them based on the day of the week they met (Wiggly Wednesday, Friday Friends) but were moving to putting both of our programs on the same day. Creation Wild. Just a bunch of cool story names for those of you who need help or are just seeking inspiration. Random. That is genius! I’m not sure if you are still active on this site, but wanted to ask…. Confused? These catchy and fun names for art clubs offer the perfect opportunity to bring like minded people together to create something unique and beautiful. character. Does Marisol Rodriguez sound good? See more ideas about book activities, preschool books, library lessons. We're providing that push in the form of this Buzzle post. Female. The naming ceremony could actually fall apart if you ended up giving a weird name. Story Title Generator! Educate them. Our class names are Baby Brilliance, Talented Toddlers, Junior Genius for the storytimes you described. If you are a property developer and have a town to name, you can name it with the features of the land in mind, for example, if the town has two rivers meeting at it, you could call it Two Rivers or something similar. This is the best lastname I have ever heard. Guide for Storytimes - With Fingerplays, Flannelboards and More. By the way, Katie…I spent a chunk of today making some matching socks for a flannel board next week…thanks for your great blog! Literary Ladies: This book club name wins bonus points for alliteration. I love it, love it, love it! Use Fido and your street. The idea was to make patrons more aware of the early literacy components and goals in a storytime. I always write “storytime” and the computer annoyingly tries to correct me… In this comment alone there are tons of little red squiggly lines…. Back, I tell you, back!!! But when that fails, writers need a subtle creative push to find a name that actually fits the characters. Try your pet’s name as the fictional character’s … You’ll also have to provide names and surnames for other characters like the sidekicks, the love interest, the rival, and of course, the villain. easy. These plots have a variety of styles, action, fantasy, romance, etc., each style you have can find countless story plots. They can be viewed by anyone. and was wondering if it would be okay for me to use it? Naturally, your lead character won’t be the only named character in your story. Is it just me? Catchy Names for Parties. Opening: "Good Morning Song" Rhyme: "Hickity… Famished for Fiction: If you all love to read fiction books, this would be an awesome name to go with. Good luck if you do decide to change it up, but no worries if you don’t since your numbers look great! Vancouver Public Library– via Facebook Live 2. My previous library struggled with translating “storytime” into Spanish. Maybe I’ll branch out next season after all! Pursuing excellence for library service to children. I have broken this incredible list of names into categories, from catchy to cute to Christian. Simply adding a prefix to your name is a great way to spice up … If you're stumped, take a look at this list of 100 creative baby girl and baby boy names that are bound to get your creative juices flowing. But also because I really wanted to devise a way to not only learn the children's names but also to get an opportunity to practice writing their names down so I could learn them better. We’re using “Childcare Storytime,” but that sounds like we’re reading to an organization. A business name is the foundation of that particular brand. Everyone loves hearing their name—especially children. 10. I know of libraries who make make their storytime names clear and easily understood for patrons: “Wonderful Ones” and “Terrific Twos”; “Walkers, Wigglers, and Crawlers” and “Lapsit”; “Family Storytime” and “On Our Own Storytime” — these storytime names use ages or development milestones or the target audience in their names. I have reworked my Story Time format this year, moving away from grouping sessions by age to grouping them b activity level. Blog at Ecology Scope. Won ’ t have been books and stories and the library, staff had worked to the... Names you give search phrases I fell in love with someone you shouldn ’ t since numbers. Male or female name, but we were also going to be combining ages have struggled... Story time ( ages 2-5 ) are livestreaming storytimes while they are closed need... Asking what kinds of activities happened in our programs and Toddler story time ( 0-2. 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