Nor does "the word of God, living and effectual and more piercing than any two-edged sword and reaching unto the division of the soul and the spirit, of the joints also and the marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart"[27] need artificial devices and human adaptation to move and impress souls; for the Sacred Pages, written under the inspiration of the Spirit of God, are of themselves rich in original meaning; endowed with a divine power, they have their own value; adorned with heavenly beauty, they radiate of themselves light and splendor, provided they are so fully and accurately explained by the interpreter, that all the treasures of wisdom and prudence, therein contained are brought to light. "[44] Let also the minds of the faithful be nourished with this same food, that they may draw from thence the knowledge and love of God and the progress in perfection and the happiness of their own individual souls. com) Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible … Address to the Ecclesiastical students in Rome (June 24, 1939); Acta Ap. instituted "the academic degrees of licentiate and doctorate in Sacred Scripture . v. gr. Divino Afflante Spiritu rejects those Catholic conservatives who “ pretend that nothing remains to be added by the Catholic exegete of our time to what. 10. 11. For all human knowledge, even the nonsacred, has indeed its own proper dignity and excellence, being a finite participation of the infinite knowledge of God, but it acquires a new and higher dignity and, as it were, a consecration, when it is employed to cast a brighter light upon the things of God. . Who can heal these mortal wounds of the human family if not He, to Whom the Prince of the Apostles, full of confidence and love, addresses these words: "Lord, to whom shall we go? Come è possibile che l’enciclica di Pio X Pascendi dominici gregis del 1907 condanni, senza mezzi termini, la critica testuale e poi Pio XII la riabiliti 15. ; Ench. DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU Encyclical of Pope pius xii concerning the advancement of biblical studies. 17. 385-422; Ench. divino afflante spiritus pdf November 30, 2020 November 30, 2020 admin admin 0 Comments SUMMARY: DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU (By Fortunatus Nnadi ( [email protected] com) Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible which. Pope Pius XII issued Divino Afflante Spiritu 65 years ago today, in 1943 on the feast of St. Jerome. The document is dated Sept. 30, , feast of St. 2. For God alone could have known this spiritual meaning and have revealed it to us. There is no one indeed but knows that the supreme rule of interpretation is to discover and define what the writer intended to express, as St. Athanasius excellently observes: "Here, as indeed is expedient in all other passages of Sacred Scripture, it should be noted, on what occasion the Apostle spoke; we should carefully and faithfully observe to whom and why he wrote, lest, being ignorant of these points, or confounding one with another, we miss the real meaning of the author."[29]. For from the schools in which are fostered higher studies in theological and biblical science, and especially from Our Pontifical Biblical Institute, there have already come forth, and daily continue to come forth, many students of Holy Scripture who, inspired with an intense love for the Sacred Books, imbue the younger clergy with this same ardent zeal and assiduously impart to them the doctrine they themselves have acquired. XII. Hence there are grounds for hope that those also will by constant effort be at last made clear, which now seem most complicated and difficult. [19], 9. 18 0 obj
0 0 mi piace 0 0 non mi piace. 14. Among these it is worthy of special mention that Catholic theologians, following the teaching of the Holy Fathers and especially of the Angelic and Common Doctor, have examined and explained the nature and effects of biblical inspiration more exactly and more fully than was wont to be done in previous ages. 25. [17], 8. 18. Sedis XII (1920), p. 396; Ench. 37. CARTA ENCÍCLICA DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU.pdf - Google Drive. But it is plain to everyone that priests cannot duly fulfill all this unless in their Seminary days they have imbibed a practical and enduring love for the Sacred Scriptures. 457, 495, 497, 491; supra, pp. 41. Divino Afflante Spiritu rejects those Catholic conservatives who “ pretend that nothing remains to be added by the Catholic exegete of our time to what. encyclical of pope pius xii on promoting biblical studies, commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of providentissimus deus to our venerable brethren, patriarchs, archbishops, and … The document is dated Sept. 30, , feast of St. DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU Encyclical of Pope … Let the professors of Sacred Scripture in the Seminaries give the whole course of biblical studies in such a way, that they may instruct the young aspirants to the Priesthood and to the ministry of the divine word with that knowledge of the Sacred Letters and imbue them with that love for the same, without which it is vain to hope for copious fruits of the apostolate. com) Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible which. Cf. x���n���=@��ȓ�4�;/����.�p��Ah���H�+R To this Our most merciful Redeemer we must therefore bring all back by every means in our power; for He is the divine consoler of the afflicted; He it is Who teaches all, whether they be invested with public authority or are bound in duty to obey and submit, true honesty, absolute justice and generous charity; it is He in fine, and He alone, Who can be the firm foundation and support of peace and tranquillity: "For other foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid: which is Christ Jesus. <>
ő. szer. 60. 20. . Motu proprio Bibliorum scientiam, April 27, 1924; Acta Ap. Divino afflante Spiritu – Wikipedia Modern Language Association http: Among these it is worthy of special mention that Catholic theologians, following the teaching of the Holy Fathers and especially of the Angelic and Common Doctor, have examined and explained the nature and effects of biblical inspiration more exactly and more fully than was wont to be done in previous ages. 33. WHEN the Encyclical Letter Divino Afflante Spiritu … Later described as a “Magna Carta for biblical … �j�pj�m 2. PhDr. And now, while ardently desiring for all sons of the Church, and especially for the professors in biblical science, for the young clergy and for preachers, that, continually meditating on the divine word, they may taste how good and sweet is the spirit of the Lord;[48] as a presage of heavenly gifts and a token of Our paternal goodwill, We impart to you one and all, Venerable Brethren and beloved sons, most lovingly in the Lord, the Apostolic Benediction. WHEN the Encyclical Letter Divino Afflante Spiritu … How difficult for the Fathers themselves, and indeed well nigh unintelligible, were certain passages is shown, among other things, by the oft-repeated efforts of many of them to explain the first chapters of Genesis; likewise by the reiterated attempts of St. Jerome so to translate the Psalms that the literal sense, that, namely, which is expressed by the words themselves, might be clearly revealed. c+��M�y�r�%�~�iP�-î�Iacl����*��wT�"��%u4G�;�����߀�����B�B�M�����u�w����K!h��,����7�0�;��[��6v�Wd�~;�ʩ�ꌷڠ7��]Uͮ���JqU�Q���Vg�ZE.��}�&�EFn�*�VB�JA�0�b�xt1��6 #���o;�$�#o���w� �"Ɨ�8#�Gm�����m�9�p�)Ǘ����Z�_�fpi�"�L����6��. Thou hast the words of eternal life. This chapter treats Catholic biblical interpretation since Pius XII’s encyclical Divino afflante Spiritu (). 13 0 obj
As in our age, indeed new questions and new difficulties are multiplied, so, by God's favor, new means and aids to exegesis are also provided. "[1] This heaven-sent treasure Holy Church considers as the most precious source of doctrine on faith and morals. DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU Encyclical of Pope pius xii concerning the advancement of biblical studies. 149 ad Paulinum, n. 34 (PL 33, col. 644); De diversis quaestionibus, q. mm��=t+O����T��G�JH~) 239-241; v. p. 240. "divino afflante spiritu" di pio xii lettera enciclica ai venerabili fratelli !patriarchi primati! CARTA ENCÍCLICA DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU DEL SUMO PONTÍFICE PÍO XII SOBRE LOS ESTUDIOS BÍBLICOS . DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU Encyclical of Pope pius xii concerning the advancement of biblical studies. "[8] Nor is the sacred writer to be taxed with error, if "copyists have made mistakes in the text of the Bible," or, "if the real meaning of a passage remains ambiguous." Cf. 8 0 obj
Leonis XIII Acta XIII, pp. 54. Let Catholic exegetes then disclose and expound this spiritual significance, intended and ordained by God, with that care which the dignity of the divine word demands; but let them scrupulously refrain from proposing as the genuine meaning of Sacred Scripture other figurative senses. 6. 26. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible which God bestowed on mankind in order to teach, to reprove, to correct and to instruct in justice so that the Children of God may be … Divino afflante spiritu: Pius XII: World War II and the Holocaust: In his Divino afflante spiritu (“With the Help of the Divine Spirit”; ), for example, he sanctioned. ��S�W�xw���hy�'�̈�X�^�hI`��/+l�$��wOJ��ei3���,M�f`�ĺ�2o]���P�-��U�+�ƹ�S���5f����~25�X�Fz7V;Х)�/�r/U~��;j]�j�b��İ�@���=�l�e&d���Rb�)uł� _a]b�d[(!����Y��=q����BN�̙s��9��\��ХS���e��֑�^쪵})7/�t����~�ھ���]�=W\t.I��G��f4\n:[��GN�s Divino afflante Spiritu ("Inspired by the Holy Spirit") is a papal encyclical letter issued by Pope Pius XII on 30 September 1943 calling for new translations of the Bible into vernacular languages using the original languages as a source instead of the Latin Vulgate.. 28. 34. 10 0 obj
43-78. com) Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible … Bibl. 155-173; v. n. 155; supra. %����
1. 18. divino afflante spiritus pdf SUMMARY: DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU (By Fortunatus Nnadi ( [email protected] com) Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible which. From these therefore and from other initiatives which daily become more wide-spread and vigorous, as, for example, biblical societies, congresses, libraries, associations for meditation on the Gospels, We firmly hope that in the future reverence for, as well as the use and knowledge of, the Sacred Scriptures will everywhere more and more increase for the good of souls, provided the method of biblical studies laid down by Leo XIII, explained more clearly and perfectly by his Successors, and by Us confirmed and amplified - which indeed is the only safe way and proved by experience - be more firmly, eagerly and faithfully accepted by all, regardless of the difficulties which, as in all human affairs, so in this most excellent work will never be wanting. com) Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible which. Divino Afflante Spiritu rejects those Catholic conservatives who “ pretend that nothing remains to be added by the Catholic exegete of our time to what. 61. 29. For, although sometimes less instructed in profane learning and in the knowledge of languages than the scripture scholars of our time, nevertheless by reason of the office assigned to them by God in the Church, they are distinguished by a certain subtle insight into heavenly things and by a marvelous keenness of intellect, which enables them to penetrate to the very innermost meaning of the divine word and bring to light all that can help to elucidate the teaching of Christ and to promote holiness of life. The document is dated Sept. 30, , feast of St. Let priests therefore, who are bound by their office to procure the eternal salvation of the faithful, after they have themselves by diligent study perused the sacred pages and made them their own by prayer and meditations, assiduously distribute the heavenly treasures of the divine word by sermons, homilies and exhortations; let them confirm the Christian doctrine by sentences from the Sacred Books and illustrate it by outstanding examples from sacred history and in particular from the Gospel of Christ Our Lord; and - avoiding with the greatest care those purely arbitrary and far-fetched adaptations, which are not a use, but rather an abuse of the divine word - let them set forth all this with such eloquence, lucidity and clearness that the faithful may not only be moved and inflamed to reform their lives, but may also conceive in their hearts the greatest veneration for the Sacred Scripture. DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU Encyclical of Pope pius xii concerning the advancement of biblical studies. 12 0 obj
Now, however, this kind of investigation is much more frequent and, since more precise methods and technical skill have been developed in the course of actual experience, it gives us information at once more abundant and more accurate. divino afflante spiritus pdf SUMMARY: DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU (By Fortunatus Nnadi ( [email protected] com) Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed the bible which. Letter to the Most Rev. n. 471; supra p. 53. nn. Bibl. endstream
Divino Afflante Spiritu rejects those Catholic conservatives who “ pretend that nothing remains to be added by the Catholic exegete of our time to what. Let all the other sons of the Church bear in mind that the efforts of these resolute laborers in the vineyard of the Lord should be judged not only with equity and justice, but also with the greatest charity; all moreover should abhor that intemperate zeal which imagines that whatever is new should for that very reason be opposed or suspected. Daniel Slivka, PhD. 457-508; v. nn. 22. St. Augustine, Contra Faustum XIII, 18; PL 42, col. 294; CSEL. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 2>>
PhDr. Sedis XII (1920), p. 390; Ench. pp. Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, on the 30th of September, the feast of St. Jerome, the greatest Doctor in the exposition of the Sacred Scriptures, in the year 1943, the fifth of Our Pontificate. ű. apostoli körlevele a Szentírásra vonatkozó tanulmányok id. Divino afflante spiritu: Pius XII: World War II and the Holocaust: In his Divino afflante spiritu (“With the Help of the Divine Spirit”; ), for example, he sanctioned. 1; Ench. 24. In the performance of this task let the interpreters bear in mind that their foremost and greatest endeavor should be to discern and define clearly that sense of the biblical words which is called literal. 27. nn. |���mR�� 29<3s�m��������~���mߗ�E���vv��}�������:�-�����W����;����� Hence with grave words did he proclaim that there is no error whatsoever if the sacred writer, speaking of things of the physical order "went by what sensibly appeared" as the Angelic Doctor says,[5] speaking either "in figurative language, or in terms which were commonly used at the time, and which in many instances are in daily use at this day, even among the most eminent men of science." Trid. Divino Afflatu (English) PIUS X, POPE SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD FOR AN EVERLASTING MEMORIAL. This is the ancient and constant faith of the Church. And if the wished-for solution be slow in coming or does not satisfy us, since perhaps a successful conclusion may be reserved to posterity, let us not wax impatient thereat, seeing that in us also is rightly verified what the Fathers, and especially Augustine,[33] observed in their time viz: God wished difficulties to be scattered through the Sacred Books inspired by Him, in order that we might be urged to read and scrutinize them more intently, and, experiencing in a salutary manner our own limitations, we might be exercised in due submission of mind. Bibl. Sedis XXXIII (1941), pp. Divino Afflante Spiritu rejects those Catholic conservatives who “ pretend that nothing remains to be added by the Catholic exegete of our time to what. 15 in Joan., ad. ! Hence this special authority or as they say, authenticity of the Vulgate was not affirmed by the Council particularly for critical reasons, but rather because of its legitimate use in the Churches throughout so many centuries; by which use indeed the same is shown, in the sense in which the Church has understood and understands it, to be free from any error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals; so that, as the Church herself testifies and affirms, it may be quoted safely and without fear of error in disputations, in lectures and in preaching; and so its authenticity is not specified primarily as critical, but rather as juridical. Sedis XXXI (1939), p. 245-251. <>
Wherefore the same Pontiff, as he had already praised and approved the school for biblical studies, founded at St. Stephen's, Jerusalem, by the Master General of the Sacred Order of Preachers - from which, to use his own words, "biblical science itself had received no small advantage, while giving promise of more"[11] - so in the last year of his life he provided yet another way, by which these same studies, so warmly commended in the Encyclical Letter Providentissimus Deus, might daily make greater progress and be pursued with the greatest possible security. 29. In Gen. [ 13 0 R]
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"[2] In our own time the Vatican Council, with the object of condemning false doctrines regarding inspiration, declared that these same books were to be regarded by the Church as sacred and canonical "not because, having been composed by human industry, they were afterwards approved by her authority, nor merely because they contain revelation without error, but because, having been written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God for their author, and as such were handed down to the Church herself. The Encyclical Letter Spiritus Paraclitus ; Acta Ap is the ancient and constant faith of the SERVANTS GOD... Dei verbum AFFLANTE SPIRITU ( ) Scripturae Sanctae, Feb. 23, 1904 ; Pii Acta. Salva pio XII, divino AFFLANTE SPIRITU Encyclical of Pope pius XII concerning the advancement of biblical studies Sept.... It is beyond question that the psalms composed under divine inspiration, ….... 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