Many people have rhododendrons in their garden or flower pot. Rhododendron maximum is an evergreen shrub growing to 4 m (13 ft), rarely 10 m (33 ft), tall. Tudományos nevét Linné a görög rodón és dendron szavakból képezte.Mivel azonban a rododendron nem rózsa és nem is fa, ő maga is elégedetlen volt vele, olyannyira, hogy átkeresztelte azaleának, de ezt a nevet ma főleg a kertészeti, cserépben nevelt szubtrópusi fajtákra használják.. Magyar neve is többféle van: hangarózsa, havasi rózsa, havasszépe. White, Pink . While there is a main center of distribution west of Asheville, there is also a large population on Grandfather Mountain, in the northwestern corner of the state. The leaves are 9–19 cm (3–8 in) long and 2–4 cm (0.75-1.5 in) broad. [7] Rhododendron periclymenoides was first described by Michaux. Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans' is een hoogopgaande en breedspreidende rododendron die een hoogte kan bereiken van 250 tot 350 cm.. De bloei met grote roze bloemen vindt plaats in de periode mei-juni. This species produces showy pink flowers in the spring. [6], The honey which is made by bees who collect pollen from genus Rhododendron spp. Pink . LM . Many of the wild R. periclymenoides have more resistance to these issues than the hybrids which are bred for gardens. Plant enthusiasts have selectively bred azaleas for hundreds of years. It is a deciduous shrub that grows to 1–2 m (3.3–6.6 ft) in height, with elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate leaves, 3–7 cm (1 1⁄4–2 3⁄4 in) long by 1–3.5 cm (3⁄8–1 3⁄8 in) wide. The trunk grows to be about 9 feet (2.7 m) tall. Both seeds and cuttings of the plant can be used for propagation. Family Ericaceae . More data ... adenosum EM - M . P!nk (uitspraak: Pink), artiestennaam van Alecia Beth Moore (Doylestown, Pennsylvania, 8 september 1979), is een Amerikaanse zangeres en actrice.In de beginjaren van haar carrière liet P!nk vooral r&b en rap horen, later zocht ze meer de poprock en dancepop op. Rhododendron 'Moerheim' is een klein blijvende Rhododendron, tot maximaal 60 cm hoog. Rhododendron dauricum var. Den trives godt i havejord. They have 2-inch (51 mm) long stamens; they carry a strong, sweet scent similar to petunias. This is typically around the time when the flowers bloom. The colour pink occurs a lot in the 'world of flowers'.With pink flowering Rhododendrons the number appears almost unlimited.So I make a choice, also out of early- and late-flowering rhodos. It is wide-spreading, always a foot or two wider than it is tall. [5], About 860 species belong to the genus Rhododendron. [8] Since lack of proper drainage can lead to root rot, North Carolina State University advises the use of raised beds if the plant is going to be grown in soil that contains a lot of clay. Rhododendron is a large genus of flowering plants.It includes 1,024 species of woody plants in the heath family (Ericaceae). This species is a popular horticultural plant. See more ideas about rhododendron, rhododendron plant, azaleas. Omschrijving. 7 okt 2005 20:04 (CEST) Ondergeslachten While not common in the United States, “mad honey” is believed to have medicinal qualities in China. Rododendron (Rhododendron, uit het Oudgrieks: ῥόδον (rhódon) = "roos"; δένδρον (dendron) = "boom") is een geslacht van 600 tot 1000 soorten (afhankelijk van de taxonomische opvatting) in de heidefamilie (Ericaceae).Dit omvangrijke geslacht is onderverdeeld in een aantal ondergeslachten Synonyms. [6] Common ecosystems in which this plant can be found are oak-hickory, oak-pine- spruce-fir, maple-beech-birch and white- ed-jack pine. [9] The specific grayonotoxin which R. periclymenoides employs is called andromedotoxin, and symptoms which occur after ingestion include salivation abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, paralysis and coma. : Hulpmiddelen: Alle categorieën - Toon bovenliggende categorieboom (png/svg) - Toon onderliggende categorieboom (png/svg) - Zoek … Rhododendron mucronulatum, commonly called Korean rhododendron is noted for its unusual (for rhododendrons) deciduous habit and for its early spring flowering period. Please note that the flower colour of some species can vary considerably from one clone to the next. Rhododendron occidentale is een plant uit de heidefamilie (Ericaceae).Het is een van de twee bladverliezende Rhododendron-soorten die van nature voorkomen langs de westkust van Noord-Amerika.De andere soort is Rhododendron albiflorum.. Langs de westkust beslaat het verspreidingsgebied de kust van Oregon in het noorden tot de Palomar mountains in Zuid-Californië. Rhododendron je nacionalni cvet Nepala. There is an unconfirmed report of this species in O'Leno State Park in Columbia County, Florida along the Santa Fe River. Die Rhododendren (Singular laut Duden: der oder das Rhododendron, von griechisch ῥόδον = rhodon, die Rose, und δένδρον = dendron, der Baum) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Heidekrautgewächse (Ericaceae). Nevének eredete. Rhododendron 'Cunninghams White' Rhododendron 'Don Quichotte' Rhododendron 'Furnivals Daughter' Rhododendron 'H. The purpose of the Society is to encourage interest in and to disseminate knowledge about rhododendrons and azaleas. Rhododendron Catawbiense Boursault bloeit in mei en juni met lila kleurige bloemen. The fruit is a dry capsule 15–20 mm (.60-.79 in) long, containing numerous small seeds. Rododendron (af græsk rhodódendron, af rhódon (= rose) og déndron (= træ)) en meget artsrig slægt af små træer og buske, både løvfældende og stedsegrønne.Slægten har både alpine/arktiske, tempererede og tropiske arter. Aug 4, 2020 - Pink flowered rhododendrons to add to your garden. is referred to as “mad honey”. [5], Rhododendron periclymenoides has been used in horticulture as an ornamental plant. It is often found in riparian areas, in wet to dry forests. It is native to Korea, ... 'Cornell Pink' features clear pink flowers, with no hints of purple or lavender. : Voor de index op Nederlandstalige benaming, zie categorie:Heidefamilie. Rhododendron catawbiense is een mooi hoogt soort, die tot een forse struik uitgroeit. De plant behoud zijn bladeren in de winter. "Rododendron is de nederlandse naam voor aantal soorten uit het genus Rhododendron, dat verder ook onder andere azalea's omvat." It inhabits forested regions at 1,600–2,300 m (5,200–7,500 ft). Rhododendron wortelen oppervlakkig en behoeven geen snoei. Rhododendron vaseyi is a species of flowering plant in the heath family known by the common name pinkshell azalea. It is native to eastern North America, where it is widespread from Alabama to New Hampshire. Man kender ikke antallet af arter, da det kræver en nærmere undersøgelse af arternes levesteder for at afgøre, om der f.eks. De plant komt onder meer voor in de noordelijke staten van de Verenigde Staten, in Canada en op Groenland. In april en mei ontstaan er violetblauwe kleine bloemetjes aan de Rhododendron 'Moerheim'. Voor een kleine tui… eg R. campanulatum can flower from white to pink or deep lilac. Vorosch. The following is a list of rhododendron cultivars and species which have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.They are mostly hardy evergreen shrubs with abundant, brilliantly-coloured, trumpet-shaped flowers, often in large spherical trusses. Rhododendron species are originally growing in Asia, Europe and North-America.There are about 1.000 species , of which about 200 can be grown and planted in Western-Europ and comparable zones of about 7 … Groenblijvende rhododendron soorten. The reddish-purple flowers appear in late winter or early spring, often on the bare branches before the foliage unfurls. Rhododendron schlippenbachii, the royal azalea, is a species of Rhododendron native to the Korean Peninsula and adjacent regions of Manchuria (Liaoning, Nei Mongol), Japan, and the Russian Far East.It is the dominant understory shrub in many Korean hillside forests, growing at … Common insects which cause damage to R. periclymenoides are aphids, nematodes, borers, lace bug, mites and whitefly. [5][6] Soils in which R. periclymenoides grows best are typically acidic, rich in hummus and retain moisture but should still have some drainage. De categorie Rhododendron biedt een overzicht van artikelen over soorten van het geslacht Rhododendron (rododendron) volgens de wetenschappelijke benaming. These neurotoxins work by blocking the inactivation of sodium channel receptors, causing cell dysfunction. The roots also provide erosion control and protection for watersheds. [6], Many animals and birds utilize shrubs like R. periclymenoides for cover on the forest floor. However, pets and other livestock can still ingest the plant parts. Some are evergreen, and some are deciduous.They are found mainly in Asia.. Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans' is goed winterhard. Description. The Latin specific epithet mucronulatum means "sharply pointed", referring to the leaf shape.[3]. Other common names rhododendron 'Blaauw's Pink' . Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Boursault' - C5 - 30/40 cm. The leaves are bright green and ovate. [6] The poisons produced by plants in the Rhododendron are known as grayanotoxins, which are a class of neurotoxins. mucronulatum (Turcz.) Media in category "Pink Rhododendron" The following 178 files are in this category, out of 178 total. Rhododendron dauricum subsp. Most of them have quite showy flowers.What gardeners know as Azalea is in fact a kind of rhododendron. "Рододендронові хащі"(2).jpg 5,495 × 3,663; 5.51 MB Rhododendron Plant Search. Den er ikke så høj, som andre rhododendron-sorter. Rhododendron mucronulatum, the Korean rhododendron[1] or Korean rosebay (Chinese: 银叶杜鹃; pinyin: yínyè dùjuān),[2] is a rhododendron species native to Korea, Mongolia, Russia, and parts of northern China. Outside of “mad honey” ingestion, human poisoning by Rhododendron is rare. It is also used in infused liquor. The cultivar 'Cornell Pink' has light pink flowers, and has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. A synonym of R. periclymenoides is R. nudiflorum but was synonymized in 1962 by Shinners. Many flower forms and flower variations are available. This human selection has produced over 10,000 different cultivars which are propagated by cuttings. Rhododendron groenlandicum (basioniem: Ledum groenlandicum) is een plant uit de heidefamilie (Ericaceae).In het Engels wordt de plant 'Labrador Tea' genoemd. Cultivation. [4] This plant prefers habitats in swamp margins, moist woods and open areas with full to partial sunlight or high, open shade. [4], According to the United States Forest Service, wildfires typically “top kill” azaleas. Pink . “Pinxter” is Dutch for the word Pentecost, a name used for the seventh Sunday after Easter. aganniphum . A unique combination of hardiness, heat tolerance and root rot resistance makes this hyperthyrum hybrid a garden workhorse. 6 . And I will also mention rhodos with flowers more or less red-pink and lavender-pink. In Korea, the flowers are used in pan-fried flower cakes called hwajeon, which are traditional for Samjinnal, a spring festival. [4][5] It is hardy down to −20 °C (−4 °F) but like most rhododendron species requires a sheltered position in dappled shade with acid soil that has been enriched with leaf mould. De plant wordt uiteindelijk 110 cm hoog en 150 cm breed. Zoals elke Rhododendron staat hij graag in humusijke grond in de halfschaduw tot volle zon. [4], "Rhododendron periclymenoides - Plant Finder", "Plant toxin levels in nectar vary spatially across native and introduced populations", "Grayanotoxin Poisoning: 'Mad Honey Disease' and Beyond",, Flora of the Great Lakes region (North America), Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 September 2020, at 03:18. 3 . The pink rhododendron, English Roseum grows steadily into a large bush, reaching 4 feet and eventually as much as 10 feet tall. [3] Like many members of the genus, the plant contains toxins in all parts of the flower. Fertilizer needs are low. Rhododendron periclymenoides occurs throughout the Eastern United States, from southern New York south to Georgia, with isolated populations in Midwestern states. One of the common names of R. periclymenoides is the “pinxterbloom azalea”. Rhododendron (od antičkog grčkog ῥόδον rhódon „ruža“ i δένδρον déndron „drvo“) je rod sa 1.024 vrsta drvenastih bilji iz Ericaceae familije, koje su bilo zimzelene ili listopadne, i nalaze se uglavnom u Aziji, mada su takođe široko raširene duž južnih visoravni Apalačijanskih planina u Severnoj Americi. [citation needed] Azalea seeds can also be collected and germinated.Azaleas are generally slow-growing and do best in well-drained acidic soil (4.5–6.0 pH). 0 . 0 . Pink flowers adorn this attractive, dark green, well-branched shrub during its early mid-season bloom time. mucronulatum (Turcz.) Many new species Rhododendrons have recently been introduced, mainly from the Himalayas, and we include some for the first time. More data ... aganniphum var. De groenblijvende plant is een struik van meestal 0,5 m hoog, hoewel de plant tot 2 m kan doorgroeien. The foliage is impressive. Rhododendron c. ‘Nova Zembla’ bloeit met roze/rode bloemen en bereikt een nette hoogte van ongeveer 2,5 – 3 m. Andere soorten die de moeite waard zijn om aangeplant te worden zijn Rhododendron c. ‘Album’ ( wit/ hoogte 3 m.) Rhododendron c. Boursault (paars/ hoogte 3 m.) en Rhododendron ponticum ‘Sappho’ ( wit met paarse stippen in het hart/ hoogte 3 m ). The leathery evergreen leaves are up to 6 inches long, oval in outline, with a smooth surface. After wildfires have come through an area, R. periclymeniodes can resprout from subsurface structures. The flowers are 2.5–3 cm (1 in) diameter, white, pink or pale purple, often with small greenish-yellow spots. Jindallae-hwajeon (pan-fried rhododendron flower cake), Deuljjuk-sul (bog bilberry liquor) and jindallae-sul (Korean rhododendron liquor) produced in North Korea,, Articles containing simplified Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 November 2020, at 09:38. Humans who ingest this honey begin exhibiting many of the symptoms listed above as well as hypotension and other irregularities of cardiac rhythm. Maxim. Rhododendron periclymenoides, commonly called pink azalea[1] and pinxter flower, is a species of shrub in the heath family. De tekst: "Rododendron is een geslacht uit de Ericaceae" is uiteraard onjuist en taalvervuiling. De Pontische rododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) is een plant uit de heidefamilie (Ericaceae) die van nature voorkomt in zuidelijk Europa en Anatolië (Klein-Azië), maar veel aangeplant wordt vanwege de mooie bloemen.De struik komt in Nederland verwilderd voor op buitenplaatsen en in bossen, vooral op zandgrond.Als tuinplant is de Pontische rododendron geschikt voor de vorming van een heg. Ze groeide uit tot een van de succesvolste popartiesten van haar generatie. Common landscape uses for the plant are as a foundation plant and as shrub borders. [8], Rhododendron periclymenoides is highly toxic and all parts of the plant are poisonous and could be fatal if ingested. [10], Rhododendron periclymenoides is susceptible to problems caused by both insects and disease. Finally, a rhododendron that thrives in the south! Genus Rhododendron can be evergreen or deciduous shrubs or trees, with simple leaves, sometimes with a dense colourful indumentum of hairs on the lower side, and funnel-shaped, bell-shaped or tubular flowers that may be solitary or in short racemes Rhododendron 'Moerheim's Pink' er en rhododendron-sort, der blomstrer i maj med rosarøde åbne klokkeformede blomster i åbne klaser med op til otte blomster. [2] It is often found in riparian areas, in wet to dry forests.[3]. Rhododendron periclymenoides, commonly called pink azalea and pinxter flower, is a species of shrub in the heath family.It is native to eastern North America, where it is widespread from Alabama to New Hampshire. It is endemic to the Applachian highlands of North Carolina in widely scattered locations. Planten er hårdfør i Danmark og rigt blomsterne. Common diseases include crown and root rot, leaf spot and powdery mildew. [7], The genus name for Rhododendron comes from a combination of the Greek words “rhodo”, meaning rose, and “dendron”, meaning tree. Many are well worth growing for their foliage alone! [4] Common pollinators of R. periclymenoides are hummingbirds and butterflies. The cultivar 'Cornell Pink' has light pink flowers, and has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. Uit de Ericaceae '' is uiteraard onjuist en taalvervuiling to disseminate knowledge about rhododendrons azaleas... Santa Fe River called pink azalea [ 1 ] and pinxter flower, is a capsule! Hij graag in humusijke grond in de halfschaduw tot volle zon, tall afgøre... As well as hypotension and other irregularities of cardiac rhythm 'Moerheim ' een! A synonym of R. periclymenoides is R. nudiflorum but was synonymized in 1962 by Shinners dark green well-branched. Oak-Hickory, oak-pine- spruce-fir, maple-beech-birch and white- ed-jack pine de nederlandse naam aantal... 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En nærmere undersøgelse af arternes levesteder for at afgøre, om pink rhododendron wikipedia f.eks bred for gardens as well hypotension! `` Rododendron is een struik van meestal 0,5 m hoog, hoewel de plant komt onder meer voor de... Both insects and disease 4 m ( 33 ft ), rarely 10 m ( 5,200–7,500 ft.... No hints of purple or lavender in 1962 by Shinners periclymenoides is highly and. Kan doorgroeien... pink rhododendron wikipedia pink ' features clear pink flowers in the spring both insects and disease we include for...