1: Races of Nature Unleashed (PF1) Aegis of Empires 5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm (Pathfinder RPG) Book of Beasts: Witch Codex (PF 1e) Aegis of Empires 4: Legend of the Burning Star (PF1) Lands of Theia If I can continue the conversation, how effective is the Archetype on non-martials such as the Cleric (warpriest and cloistered), Sorcerer, Wizard etc? The most likely reason to consider the Gnome is if you want to introduce some magic to your character via Ancestry Feats. Still, if you need to, it’s here. I can see some of the swashbuckler feats and oppertune Riposte being good but I still feel like it is missing something? ... and many pirates have the swashbuckler class or archetype. These options are generally all very good, but you still only get one Reaction (until you can get Inexhaustible Countermoves at level 20), so be careful not to invest too many feats into options which use your Reaction. Elf: The Elf can work, but it has some limitations. Champion's Finesse makes this archetype a fantastic option for a one-level class dip for characters who want to use Weapon Finesse and Combat Expertise, but don't want to have enough intelligence for Combat Expertise. It feels like you expect the entire swashbuckler class as an archetype but i feel its strong compared to the other multiclass options, have you looked through them and tried to compare? At the same level with Flamboyant Athlete you can Leap 15 feet as an Action with no check. This is nice, but after this it feels that the feat Finishing Precision is a little bit of a dead feat? The Swashbuckler's signature mechanic, Panache, is central to the class and requires the player to manage it very carefully. Ratfolk: Low racial hit points and a Strength Flaw are manageable, but that's not a great start, and the Ratfolk's Ancestry Feats offer almost nothing useful to the Swashbuckler. The Orc's Ancestry Feats don't offer much to the Swashbuckler, though there are a few gems. I haven't played much 2e yet, but is it more common for enemies to have higher reflex saves or perception? The Mouser attempts to further emphasize this by allows the Swashbuckler to better engage foes larger than the Swashbuckler. If you chose one of those Styles, Charisma will be very important. Be sure to invest Skill Increases in both the skill granted by your Swashbuckler Style and in Acrobatics so you can easily gain Panache in any scenario. Avoid Shield Block; bucklers are very frail compared to shields. In Pathfinder, rogues gained access to unique talents, in addition to their skills and feats, increasing the extent to which you can customize your character.The majority of these talents are related to skill use, allowing you to specialize your rogue’s out-of-combat functions as you see fit (though there are a few talents that have combat applications, as well). I love multiclassing into monk for gymnast swashbuckler. RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. Writes that down to make as a build later.. Tumble behind could be useful for a rogue to gain sneak, charmed life that straight up gives you a +2 circumstance bonus to ANY saving throw? Compare this to Perfect Finisher. Swashbucklers dart in and out of the fray, wearing down opponents with lunges and feints, all while foiling the powerful attacks against them with a flick of the wrist and a flash of the blade. Bon Mot penalizes Perception and Will Saves, which is only significant if you can capitalize on enemies' low Will saves. Still, for a Gymnast that's an easy way to force enemies into position while also gaining Panache, and Shove allows you to remain adjacent to the target by Striding as part of the same Action. If you have Panache, Vivacious Speed raises your speed above the 30-foot speed requirement to add another 5 feet to Leap, allowing you jump 20 feet, and then you can add Powerful Leap to add another 5 feet on top of that, bringing you to a total of 25 feet. As with most Martials their power and flexibility is typically gained through their class feats. Opportune Riposte is built into the class, but you also get great options like Nimble Dodge, Charmed Life, and Attack of Opportunity. Athletics will require you to invest in Strength, which will mean that you need to put fewer Ability Boosts into other Ability Scores like Charisma. While any class can brag, boast, tumble about, swing from chandeliers, and generally show off, the Swashbuckler uniquely gains the ability to empower themselves by doing so, and unless you're ready to play that way you're going to struggle as a swashbuckler. The only problem is that in most cases your go-to tactic is to gain Panache, then expend it almost immediately. This creates an important "gameplay loop" where the Swashbuckler gains Panache, does cool stuff, expends Panache, then works to get it back. Vivacious Speed: In a game where most Ancestries have a speed of 25 feet, a +10 bonus is significant, and the bonus scales as you gain more levels. Where Ancestries differentiate themselves is mostly in their Ancestry Feats. Swashbuckler gets punished quite harshly for multiclassing because of Precise Strike scaling with level. Most archetypes trade in Trap Finding, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge, or some combination of the three. Charisma casters love the Wit MC, they pick one for all and now have a third action and a reaction to help allies and bonus to their Bon Mot. Perhaps the most generic version of the Swashbuckler, the Fencer is reliable and straightforward. Light Armor Mastery: More AC is always great. You don't get Shield Block for free, so using a shield means investing in the Shield Block feat and probably some Skill Increases into Craft to repair your shields. However, the wording specifically requires that your check meets or exceeds the numerical DC for a "Very Hard" check for your level, so you'll need to check page 503-504 of the Core Rulebook and look at table 10-5 for the base DC and add +5 to it (see table 10-6). Perform works almost regardless of what you're fighting, and the nature of the Battledancer's Panache recovery mechanic makes it easy to gain Panache so long as there are enemies with sufficiently low Will save DC's who can observe you. The Bouncy Goblin feat offers an easy +2 circumstance bonus to Tumble Through, which is fantastic considering how important Tumble Through is. I'm playing a Scoundrel Rogue, and I noticed that the Fencer Swashbuckler archetype fits with it really well. You also gain bonus damage from Precise Strike when you do so (starting at 2d6 and scaling with level; see below), but not only do you lose Panache when you attempt a Finisher, you are unable to make additional attacks for the remainder of the turn. 51, People of the North pg. The Swashbuckler is essentially locked into weapons with the Agile and/or Finesse traits, and while the Rapier is the go-to option there is plenty of room to consider other options and still succeed. The text is identical. You get the added utility of being able to choose which weapon to use with any given Attack, but you also need to pour precious gold into a second weapon in a game where gold is as precious as feats. Yep, I use it for a HEMA-style Fighter longsword build using a bastard sword, the dedication, and Opportune Riposte (it's mostly focused on getting as many reactions and triggers as possible to punish people for basically doing anything). Bon Mot is easy to compare to Demoralize. Archetypes are a quick and easy way to specialize characters of a given class, adding fun and flavorful new abilities to already established adventurers. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. You can easily build yourself with decent Charisma, making options like Animal Accomplice and First World magic tempting options on top of your skills and combat capabilities. The modular nature of feats makes it very easy to look at class features and tweak them, and it has me more interested in a system than I've been in ages. e.g. Swashbuckler: Like Arcanist, might be mechanically useful but may not be necessary as more than an Archetype. A number of Swashbuckler Class Feats have the "Finisher" trait. Fortunately, you can use specified Actions like Tumble Through to gain Panache, and your subclass will offer another unique option to gain Panache which typically involves a skill check of some kind, so regaining Panache is often as simple as spending an Action to perform a skill check and you gain Panache if you're successful. However, those effects nearly always require someone to spend a resource (a spell, an Action, a Hero Point, etc.) Daring Champion also introduces the Swashbuckler's fantastic Panache ability, and several Swashbuckler Deeds with which to use it. Just a word on "niche protection" and Pathfinder (2E) -- I wouldn't worry much about it as it's way less important a concept. Kobold: The Kobold shares some of the same challenges as the Elf. The Swashbuckler is primarily a Striker, but can be easily built as a Defender, a Face, and a Scout, allowing them to fill all of the most important roles of both the Fighter and the Rogue. Swashbuckler Grace ** (Level 7): Given how high the checks for this sort of thing are in Pathfinder, you should not be attempting this often. Skill Increases: Standard for everyone except the Rogue. Gnome Weapon Familiarity gets you acces to the Kukri, but with a Strength Flaw relying on Trip is hard to do. 24 Vikings seek to raid “softer societies” and return with their longships filled with plunder. Technically you can do this with a dagger regardless of the size of the targets, allowing you to impale giants on a blade that's likely no more than a foot long. 2. Between the two, you're considerably more likely to roll a Critical Success, and even if you don't you still get a Success. Cooperative Nature offers a +4 bonus on your check to Aid, and this is a case where Cooperative Soul is useful. There is some overlap between swashbuckler feats and catfolk feats, like Charmed Life and the Cat's Luck feat chain, but that allows you to replace some powerful Class Feat options with Ancestry Feats and use those Class Feat slots for other options. I'm wondering how to get panache easier. Humans have unique access to feats like Cooperative Nature, which when combined with the Swashbuckler's All For One make Aid a unique and powerful option both in and out of combat. Yeah, I feel like it's a solid inclusion for any combat maneuver focused build. The Battledancer is a great go-to option. I'm thinking of going with a fencer or gymnast. Gnome: The Ability Boosts are great, but the Strength Flaw will cut into your damage output slightly. This alleviates that feat tax somewhat, giving you a total of three additional Skill Feats. At 10th level, the energy resistance granted by the dragonblood shifter’s draconic aspect increases to 15, and she gains a breath weapon of her energy type that deals 1d6 points of damage per shifter level within a 30-foot cone. If you want to play a swashbuckler and not be a Face, this is the way to do it. Managing Panache is absolutely central to the class. Dragon's Presence works great for the Braggart, and and the Kobold Breath feat chain offers a way to handle crowds of enemies, which is normally difficult for the Swashbuckler due to their reliance on big single attacks. So the impression I am getting from the replies is that the Swashbuckler Archetype is mainly good on buffing a heavy martial build already? You get feats 3 levels later than other fighting styles, and they're not any better. Pirates have much in common with swashbucklers , and many pirates have the swashbuckler class or archetype . Every subclass will give you proficiency in one skill, and using that skill will become a central part of your tactics. For example, you might start by Demoralizing your target, Feint, make a few Strikes over several turns, then finish with a Finisher for a burst of damage. If you score a Critical Hit with a +3 Greater Striking Rapier (the expectation at this level; Major Striking is a level 19 item), you'll deal a total of 3d8+3d6 damage before considering your Strength score, other runes, Deadly Grace, Critical Specialization effects, or any number of other things. Dex: Your Key Ability, Dexterity will power your attacks, your Class DC, and your AC, not to mention Reflex saves. Skill Feats: Standard for everyone except the Rogue. Goblin: Perfect Ability Boosts, and a Wisdom Flaw is manageable. This is good enough that you might consider using the Shove action to force enemies into position, but be cautious because Shove has the attack trait and the Multiple Attack Penalty may become a problem. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cringe allows you to reduce an impressive amount of damage, and it may be effective enough to forgo options like Nimble Dodge. So long as you get a Dexterity Boost (which is easy so long as your race doesn't get a Dexterity Flaw), you're probably fine. Mechanically, the Swashbuckler stands somewhere between the Fighter and the Rogue, having above-average skills and excellent stats for a front-line martial character, but they're not quite as durable as the Fighter and they still can't compete with the Rogue's incomparably good skills. If the archetype doesn't meaningfully improve one of those abilities, it likely isn't a good option. I think my concern was around how there is little buff to damage, but in hindsight that would make dipping into it a must if the damage was too great or too easy to acquire, and +1 to acrobatics and your chosen skill is very powerful. Great Fortitude: Your only improvement to Fortitude saves, and you get it at level 3. If you use Opportune Riposte, you can effectively turn that Strike into a Confident Finisher, gaining the Finisher damage (half normally, full if you have Precise Finisher) if you roll a failure on that Strike. Latest Pathfinder 2e! Consider weapons with the Agile trait to mitigate this penalty, and look for weapons with the Grapple, Shove, or Trip traits to gain an item bonus on the Athletics checks. Their Ability Boosts are perfect, and a Wisdom Flaw is totally manageable. But Perfect Finisher is considerably better without other Fortune effects, especially if you take other options that support it. So, as the title suggests, is it just me or is the archetype for the Swashbuckler a little underwhelming or am I missing something? Weapon and Armor Proficiency. Beyond feat interactions, keep an eye out for options which are useful to any front-line martial class. If you're not doing things in the most exciting way that you can think to do them, you're missing out on what makes the Swashbuckler special. Either way, you rely on intimidation, wits, and combat prowess to take what you want from those you deem less deserving. Without archetypes, the Swashbuckler's fighting styles boil down to three options: buckler/shield+weapon, one-handed weapon, and two-weapon fighting. Initial Proficiencies: Nothing remarkable good or bad. You gain the panache class feature, and you can gain panache in all the ways a swashbuckler … Catfolk: Catfolk are an easy and obvious choice for the Swashbuckler. You could use the Optional Flaw rules to get an additional Free Ability Boost, but at that point you're just a worse human. It's very strong for what it does...at level 10. Panache: Panache is the central, defining mechanic of the Swashbuckler, and it's what sets them apart from other classes. These feats allow you to make an attack with a powerful secondary effect by expending Panache. Woth the dedocation you gain the Panache ability which is +1 to actions to gain Panache when you have Panache, and +5 feet to your speed. if you were a 1 handed fighter build that was already going down the duelist feat tree, or a stumbling master monk who can't use finishers due to stance strike restrictions, but would love access to speed boosts, and feint augments bonuses and re-rolls. Against enemies with regeneration or while facing enemies with a healer among them, this can help keep enemies down. That's all good. Any tips? Vigilant Senses: The best Perception progression in the game. However, Disarm suffers from the same Attack trait limitations that your other options do. You'll get two guaranteed ways to gain Panache: the Tumble Through Action and one skill Action depending on your Swashbuckler Style. The Skill Feat gained from your Background may also be important since the Swashbuckler can do a lot with Skill Actions both in and out of combat. A Human with Cooperative Nature goes really well with One For All, granting Circumstance bonuses to allies attack rolls pretty easily, and the bonus scales all the way up to +4 on a crit at Legendary, and with that bonus you have critting shouldn't be too difficult if you are a Cha heavy character. In magical fog, she can see normally for 10 feet; after that, creatures and objects have partial concealment for the next 10 feet and total concealment thereafter. Stylish Tricks: Acrobatics and the skill from your Swashbuckler Style are essential parts of your swashbuckler, so it makes sense to invest Skill Increase and Skill Feats into those skills. If you would like help with Pathfinder player options not covered here, please email me and I am happy to provide additional assistance.I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. Both bonuses scale with level, keeping them relevant throughout your career. (compared to say Champion, Fighter, Barbarian, who maybe really want only 3 class feats and the rest is flavour options/niche utility/multiclass dedication bait) that doubling of level required to get the same feat via dedication locks most of those tools out for the majority of the game. If you take Nimble Dodge, consider retraining it when you reach 10th level and get access to stances which provide a constant Circumstance bonus to AC like Dueling Dance. Buckler Expertise or Dueling Parry could be useful to a Rogue for instance. I support a limited subset of Pathfinder's rules content. Migrants from Pathfinder 1e should note that Panache is now a Yes/No rather than a pool of points like it was in 1st edition, and that Panache disappears at the end of each encounter. This ability alters the swashbuckler’s weapon and armor proficiency. Think of Finishers more like finishing a series of things you do, much like the final blow in a "combo". This will protect from a lot of damage from area effects like fireballs and breath weapons. To summarize: On its own, Lethal Finisher is pretty good. Of course, more realistically your turns will include one Finisher, one Action to gain Panache, then a spare Action used to do something else like Step or something. As a multiclassed 20th level feat, it's far less impressive. The finisher feat looks weak, though it's inline with other archetype options. Consider Flying Blade and plan to fight just out of your enemies' reach, and use Elf Ancestry Feats like Nimble Elf and Elf Step to repeatedly move out of reach and waste your Enemies' Actions by forcing them to chase you. and maybe the issue is you are comparing class to archetype and not archetype to archetype? Name Replaces Summary; Blighted Myrmidon: Smite Good; Fiendish Boon; 10th-level use of Smite Good; Aura of Vengeance; 15th-level Cruelty; Unholy Champion Source Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God pg. However, Swashbuckler is one of those classes where the only real use for it in terms of optimization is a 1 level dip in Inspired Blade by other classes, such as the … You do need to take the Unbreakable Goblin Heritage to get it, but bumping your racial hit points from 6 to 10 is a great choice at low levels. The Gymnast Style also uses Athletics for its Panache mechanic, so you may need to invest in Strength to keep refreshing Panache. "Finishers" are the primary way in which you'll consume Panache. Do you like to Demoralize things? In combat, you want to have Panache as often as possible, but you can also expend it to perform powerful Finishers. Keep in mind that since this Reaction will typically occur outside your turn, you don't need to worry about a Multiple Attack Penalty or having used a Finisher on your turn. Gymnasts will find that weapons with the Trip and Shove properties are helpful since they rely on those Actions to gain Panache. You could also take a weapon with the Parry trait to get the same AC bonus. That's exactly it, as another example, the Swashbuckler Archetype is pretty useful for a Grappler character that doesn't have a stable source of circumstance bonus to maneuvers. A viking strikes fear into the heart of her foes, and in battle she can fly into a terrible rage. Int: Swashbucklers get a total of 6+ trained skills at first level, and if you're filling in for a rogue in your party you may still need more. The dedication is meant to be weak and honestly the swashbuckler dedication is one of the few that gives alot of bang for the buck (monk and rogue only get a single skill profeciency), the fact that you can panache with 5 feet movement, and gain a +1 to actions for it is absurd, a single swashbuckler dip into gymnast would mean a grapple fighter or monk would gain a +1 circumstance bonus to trips and grabs, all this for a dedication … A Constitution Flaw and 6 base hit points makes you exceptionally frail. As far as just being a precise striking agility sort of play style the only reason to go swashbuckler instead of rogue is the maneuvers or already being a rogue. Str: All you get is bonus damage, but a little bit of bonus damage will pay off consistently over the course of your career. Dwarf: The Ability Boosts/Flaws are workable, though you'll want to avoid Charisma-based builds so the Gymnast may be your best bet. I really like 2e, and think the framework for the system is the best this kind of rpg has ever gotten. Single Weapon is the best option by far. It feels like too little for a whole feat. they can make Lethal Finisher very effective. The Gymnast's Panache Recovery mechanic also requires using Skill Actions with the Attack trait, which imposes a Multiple Attack Penalty, a problem which other swashbucklers don't face. The term "Finisher" is somewhat confusing, and you might assume that it means a "finishing blow", or to "finish" the target. This will easily make up the difference between using Dexterity with a Finesse weapon compared to using Strength, assuming that you're just making regular Strikes. You might use a Finisher as often as every turn. Weapon Expertise: Your proficiency with weapons advances at the same rate as other martial classes like the Barbarian and the Rogue. 122. This ability alters the swashbuckler’s class skills. Whereas many warriors brave battle encased in suits of armor and wielding large and powerful weapons, swashbucklers rely on speed, agility, and panache. Humans gets a few feats that, when combined with this, present a really interesting mechanical option. Orc Ferocity can take the place of the much higher-level Cheat Death, and Undying Ferocity can improve upon it later, making it a great option for any front-line martial character. Improved Evasion: Great for all the same reasons that Evasion is great. Tengu Weapon Familiarity offers access to the Wakizashi, and Squawk! Viking Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. However, the Swashbuckler's skills used to gain Panache often require Charisma, so balancing your characters Ability Scores will require making some personal choices about where you want to be effective rather than simply following formulaic "A, then B, then C" instructions like you can with classes like the Wizard. Three skills, and it may be effective enough to forgo options like Nimble.. To support Lethal Finisher is better than Perfect Finisher: First, Lethal Finisher support Lethal is! Several unique options beyond their Ability Boosts are great, but it has some very situational.... Mot lasts a full minute and does n't meaningfully improve one of them in! Lethal Finisher does n't have access to Uncommon weapons can all be major improvements your! Into spending your regular skill Increases: Standard for everyone except the Rogue `` Finisher '' trait i the! N'T a good option requires the Player to manage it very carefully and a Success on a failure that! 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