Set the plant in the hole. This Lavender looks very nice when planting in containers on patios and decks. Lavandula multifida is soft and fuzzy and a great addition to the silver and gray garden. An easy-care perennial for borders and gardens. As mulch breaks down it supplies nutrients to the plants and improves the overall soil condition at the same time. Add organic matter such as manure, peat moss or garden compost until the soil is loose and easy to work. If the first 2-4” (5-10cm) of soil is dry, it is time to water. Rotate the container and continue to tap, loosening the soil until the plant pulls smoothly from the pot. Plants without protection will not survive winter if temperatures dip below 20 degrees F. It is best to grow this lavender in sheltered locations with a good winter mulch in Zone 8. Removing old flower stems keeps the plant’s energy focused on vigorous growth instead of seed production. This species differs from most other species of lavender by having much better tolerance for summer heat and humidity and by preferring moister soils with some organic enrichment. A sprawling, aromatic ornamental Lavender with feathery silver-green foliage. This will encourage a new flush of foliage, which will keep plants looking young and fresh. Perennials should be dug up and divided every 3-4 years. Lavandula multifida, the fernleaf lavender or Egyptian lavender, is a small plant, sometimes a shrub, native to the southern regions of the Mediterranean, including Iberia, Sicily and the Canary Islands. It’s best to install cages early in the spring, or at planting time, before the foliage gets bushy. Choose a sheltered, sunny position and in cold areas, protect in winter. Perennials can be planted anytime from spring through fall. Established plants should be fed in early spring, then again halfway through the growing season. Allow soil to dry between thorough waterings. Other good types of lavender to grow indoors include Canary Island lavender ( Lavandula canariensis ) and fern leaf lavender ( Lavandula multifida ), which tolerates wet conditions better than other lavenders. Lavandula multifida, commonly called fern leaf lavender, is a highly aromatic, fast-growing, everblooming plant that typically grows to 24” tall on straight stems clad with dissected fern-like gray-green leaves. Cultivation Grow in very well-drained, ideally alkaline, soil in full sun. Fernleaf plants are beacons for butterflies all summer long. It will take about eight weeks for the seeds to develop enough to transplant to their final location. To remove the plant from the container, gently brace the base of the plant, tip it sideways and tap the outside of the pot to loosen. . These flowers are beneficial for the eye disorders. Reduce the need to fertilize in general by applying a 1-2” (3-5cm) layer of mulch or compost annually. Moist foliage encourages disease and mold that can weaken or damage plants. Propagation. Give plants an extra boost by adding a granulated starter fertilizer or all-purpose feed that encourages blooming (for example fertilizers labeled 5-10-5). Once plants have died to the ground they are easy to clean up by simply cutting back to about 4” (10cm) above the ground. Incorporate fertilizer into the soil when preparing beds for new plants. Lavandula multifida. Flowers bloom throughout the year in warm winter locations. The Latin term multifida means "much divided" due to the trident or "winged spikes" of this Lavender plant. Winter hardy to USDA Zones 8-10 where it is typically grown in average, alkaline, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. The delicate flowers of fernleaf lavender are so fine, they can become lost in the landscape and are best planted among darker plants that will provide contrast. Susceptible to leaf spot and root rot. Can be trimmed lightly in spring to encourage bushier growth. To check for soil moisture, use your finger or a small trowel to dig in and examine the soil. Herb garden plants can be used in a variety of ways including (1) add leaves as flavoring to food dishes, (2) oil from stems and leaves has anti-septic properties (external applications to wounds, bruises, and insect bites), (3) dried flowers may be added to drawers of clothing as insect repellants, and (4) potpourris. Common names alhucemilla in Spanish cut-leaf lavender in English downy lavender in English fern-leaf lavender in English sommarlavendel in Swedish sommarlavendel in Swedish Bibliographic References. Cool, moist conditions often lead to root rot and stem rot. is an internet online database of the wild plants growing on the islands of Malta and Gozo. Thoroughly soaking the ground up to 8” (20 cm) every few days is better than watering a little bit daily. Prepare the garden by breaking up the existing soil (use a hoe, spade, or power tiller) to a depth of 12-16” (30-40cm). The Fern Leaf Lavender blooms nearly continuously from Spring through Fall. Lavandula multifida 'Blue Wonder' (Fernleaf lavender 'Blue Wonder') will reach a height of 0.6m and a spread of 0.6m after 2-5 years. Does best in light, well-drained soil. If the garden area is large, and a sprinkler is necessary, try to water in the morning so that plant foliage has time to dry through the day. Push the soil gently around the roots filling in empty space around the root ball. Full sun and well-drained soils are especially important. New plantings should be watered daily for a couple of weeks to get them well established. Firm the soil down around the plant by hand, tamping with the flat side of a small trowel, or even by pressing down on the soil by foot. Position plants so that taller plants are in the center or background of the landscape design and shorter plants in the foreground. The plants look fantastic with morning dew. Plan ahead, for plants that get tall and require staking or support cages. It has deeply lobed fern-like, silvery leaves that give the foliage a handsome lacy appearance and long stems topped with graceful blue-violet trident-form flowers. Lavender prefers full sun and well drained, fertile soil. Fertilizers are available in many forms: granulated, slow-release, liquid feeds, organic or synthetic. Once established, it’s a wonderful pollinator plant that produces bright blossoms and soft scents, making it an elegant addition to any landscape or garden. Flowers primarily in summer when plants are grown as annuals.Genus name comes from the Latin word lavo meaning I wash in reference to a former use of the plant as an aromatic wash.Specific epithet means much divided in reference to the plant’s winged spikes. Plant in well-drained neutral to alkaline soil, although it will tolerate acidic conditions. Deeply-lobed, lacy, silver-green leaves (to 1.5” long) are usually twice pinnately divided into narrow segments. Lavandula. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. This is a versatile garden perennial that should be considered for a wide variety of uses and not just relegated to a corner of the herb garden. Pl. If the first 2-4” (5-10cm) of soil is dry, it is time to water. Deep watering encourages roots to grow further into the ground resulting in a sturdier plant with more drought tolerance. Growing. Sow from midwinter to early spring at 15C for flowering in the first year. May survive outdoors in mild, dry areas, otherwise grow in a container and overwinter under cover, or treat as an annual. All the lavenders appreciate full sun, good drainage and mild temperatures. North of Zone 8, plants may be grown in pots/containers that are overwintered indoors in sunny locations. These sturdy plants will take more humidity than other lavenders. After that, depending on the weather and soil type, watering may be adjusted to every two or three days. It is native to the warm climates of the northwestern Mediterranean plus the Canary Islands. Depending on the flowering habit, snip off faded blooms individually, or wait until the blooming period is over and remove entire flower stalk down to the base of the plant. Aronsson, Mora (2007) Kompletteringar kärlväxter Leave the entire plant for the winter and cut it back to the ground in early spring, just before new growth starts. Foliage can be pruned freely through the season to remove damaged or discolored leaves, or to maintain plant size. Become a member of the exclusive club and join the gardening elite. It belongs to the Lavandula angustifolia species and is considered a perennial suffruticose plant species of the Lavandula genus in the Lamiaceae family. The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-23) which reports it as an accepted name (record 109049) with original publication details: Sp. The flowers may be used in cooking. Excellent cut or dried flower. Plants are fast growing and may be grown as annuals with seeds started indoors in spring 6-8 weeks before last spring frost date. Native Range: Southern Europe, northern Africa, Tolerate: Rabbit, Deer, Drought, Dry Soil. This stimulates healthy new growth, encourages future blooming, and provides new plants to expand the garden or share with gardening friends. Lavender Blue Torch Lavandula multifida has bright purple blue flowers held above a soft ferny foliage with a refreshing pine scent. If the fragrance alone isn't enough to convince you to grow French lavender (Lavandula dentata), consider that the plants are … This is the profile for the plant - Lavandula multifida / Fern-leaved Lavender / Maltese name not known. 'Blue Torch') in the. Excellent cut flowers for fresh or dried arrangements. fernleaf lavender You’ll find that this is a hardy plant and doesn’t require much attention throughout the growing season. If your soil is not as well-draining, add sand or gravel before planting. Tall spikes of blue-violet flowers are produced in summer. Alternatively, sow in a seedbed from mid-spring to early summer for flowering the following … Clay soils hold moisture longer than sandy soils, so expect to water more frequently in sandy settings. Other info: Plant lavender seeds beginning in summer and through the fall months. Fertilizing Instructions. Cut fresh flowers are a beautiful addition to bouquets, and dried flowers are nice for adding to "everlasting" arrangements and potpourri. Described herein are compositions comprising a combination of extracts, and methods of preparing and using the same. Pruning stimulates tender new growth that will damage easily when the first frosts arrive. 6 members have or want this plant for trade. Water consistently until the lavender plants are established. In Victoria, the Spanish lavender and other invasive Lavandulas, including the Lavandula multifida, became a hard-to-kill weed. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. New plantings should be watered daily for a couple of weeks. Do not prune plants after September 1st. Lavandula multifida; Skip to the end of the images gallery. General care Pruning. Good selection for edging along walks or paths. Growing Lavender Indoors When you are planning to use lavender as a houseplant, it’s important to select an appropriate pot and good soil. Plants of this age should be pruned back in spring. description for "Lavender: Lavandula multifida" Fern-leaf lavender looks distinctively different than other garden lavenders. Some plants prefer staying on the dry side, others, like to be consistently moist. Make sure to allow spaces between lavender plants to allow for air circulation. This stimulates new growth that can be easily damaged by early frosts. View this plant in a garden. Plants may not survive in winter if soils are not well-drained and/or if temperatures dip below 15 degrees F without protective snow cover. Butterflies and bees love this plant! Lavenders Database. Lavandula multifida – Egyptian hybrids a.k.a. This is especially important if the roots are dense and have filled up the container. Blue-violet flowers (to 1/2” long) bloom in dense showy terminal spikes (to 2 ½” long) atop stems rising above the foliage to 6-18” tall. Allow soil to dry between thorough waterings. It is also useful in treating migraine, insomnia, headache and hair problems. The Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) propagated throughout the continent, killing native species and disrupting the balance in natural ecosystems. Finish up with a 2” (5cm) layer of mulch such as shredded bark or compost to make the garden look tidy, reduce weeds, and retain soil moisture. 572 1753. To dry flowers, cut before fully open and hang upside down in a cool, airy place. It looks like a perennial but is technically a sub-shrub because it will develop woody stems over time where it is winter hardy. They’re not as fragrantly potent as English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), but they adapt better to interior conditions. Commonly used for hedges and borders as well as pots and containers. Determine which application method is best for the situation and select a product with a nutritional balance designed to encourage blooming (such as 5-10-5). This is the most common lavender with aromatic purple flowers and silver-gray leaves . Lavandula 'Multifida' (California Lavender) - This is an open 3 foot tall evergreen shrub with gray-green leaves that are deeply lobed. Deep watering encourages roots to grow further into the ground resulting in a sturdier plant with more drought tolerance. Growing French Lavender. Wonderful for providing contrast in mixed borders and containers. The leaves are superb for adding textural interest to mixed perennial beds and herb gardens. Winter hardy to USDA Zones 8-10 where it is typically grown in average, alkaline, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. After blooming season, prune and shape the plants while cutting off spent flower stalks. Slow to germinate, lavender seeds require patience. This herb is used in arthritis, rheumatism and other diseases related to the joints. Different plants have different water needs. Grasping the plant at the top of the root ball, use your finger to lightly rake the roots apart. Lavandula multifida is native to Europe and blooms continuously starting in late spring. Full sun and well-drained soils are especially important. Or try Canary Island lavender (Lavandula canariensis) or moisture-loving fern leaf lavender (Lavandula multifida). Deep purple blue flowers and gray-green leaves provide ornamental color and contrast to the perennial border front, rock garden, cottage garden, herb garden or scented garden. Fast growing and very different from other Lavender species.Lavenders prefer a full sun to part shade position and are excellent for the hot and dry areas of most gardens. Dig the hole up to two times larger than the root ball and deep enough that the plant will be at the same level in the ground as the soil level in the container. Plants without protection will not survive winter if temperatures dip below 20 degrees F. It is best to grow this lavender in sheltered locations with a good winter mulch in Zone 8. Soil drainage is particularly import in winter. Find Fernleaf Lavender (Lavandula multifida) in Houston, Texas (TX) at Buchanan's Native Plants (Egyptian Lavender, California Lavender) This evergreen shrub is a tough and reliable performer in groups or individually for borders and rock gardens. Pot up the tiny seedlings and grow them on in a protected greenhouse or windowsill to set into the garden in the spring. Family: Lamiaceae (lay-mee-AY-see-ee) Genus: Lavandula (lav-AN-dew-lah) Species: multifida (mul-TIF-id-uh) Synonym: Lavandula multipartita: 2 vendors have this plant for sale. They're great for adding to herb gardens and borders and can also be used in planters for patios. A great easy-care evergreen shrub for sunny borders and gardens. The soil covering the planting hole should be even with the surrounding soil, or up to one inch higher than the top of the root ball. Remove faded flowers to promote continued bloom and maintain plant appearance. Also survives hot humid and cold wet weather. To check for soil moisture, use your finger or a small trowel to dig in and examine the soil. Vining plants require vertical space to grow, so provide a trellis, fence, wall or other structure that allows the plant to grow freely and spread. The primary stems as well as side branches produce rich dark purple fragrant flowers creating a greater display than other Spanish lavender. The flowering plumes and foliage of ornamental grasses create a beautiful feature in the winter landscape. Lavandula multifida is a Pterostachys Lavender. Trim plants back hard in spring, just as new growth starts – but never prune back into the woody part of the stems. Lavandula multifida. Propagation Propagate by seed in spring or propagate by semi-ripe cuttings in summer. Plants flower lightly the first season and come into full bloom in their second summer. A soaker hose is a great investment for keeping plants healthy and reducing water lost through evaporation. Hand watering using a watering wand with a sprinkler head attached is also a good way to control watering. It also treats skin conditions such as acne, eczema, wounds and other fungal infections. Can be particularly effective when massed. Ideally water should only be applied to the root zone - an area roughly 6-12” (15-30cm) from the base of the plant, not the entire plant. Organic ingredients improve drainage, add nutrients, and encourage earthworms and other organisms that help keep soil healthy. Check the plant label for suggested spacing and the mature height of the plant. Avoid applying fertilizer late in the growing season. Attracts pollinators. Lavandula multifida L. Lavandula multifida L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Lavandula (family Lamiaceae). Sun exposure, USDA hardiness zones, soil conditions, planting time, lifespan, blooming attributes and more. Details for Lavender Lavandula multifida. Prune to shape in spring after new leaves appear. Lavandula multifida Burm.f. Use a well-draining rich soil for your lavender plant. The foliage is easily broken so Lavandula multifida should be … Refer to the plant label to check a plant’s specific requirements. Plants reach a mature height of 24 inches and are often short lived lasting only a year or two. Perennial plants need time to prepare for winter, or “harden off”. View gallery. 2 more photos VIEW GALLERY. Lavandula multifida 'Spanish Eyes' is a low-growing, evergreen and aromatic shrub with a pleasant fragrance that attracts both bees and butterflies, amongst other pollinating wildlife.
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